Here’s How You Curse Yourself Everyday (Even if You Don’t Believe in Magic)

Creative Soul Writing
5 min readMay 29, 2018


I’m sick and tired of this shit. I can’t wait to go home. I hate this fucking job. I hate my boss. I hate doing this shit. Damn I really hate this tv show. I hate my hair, it needs to be done. I hate the way I look. I am not cute. I’ll never find love. I’ll never be happy. I look so ugly today. I hate the way… blah, blah, blah! CURSE, CURSE, CURSE. You may not believe in the power of words but believe it or not, your thoughts and words have an insurmountable amount of power behind them. What you think and feel for yourself will manifest before your very eyes.

Think about where you are and what you’re doing right now. In a way, any time you’ve doubted yourself or said, “I’ll never do this… I’ll never do that” you set yourself up for failure and you have no one to blame but yourself. You’ve manifested the life you’re living right now. It’s easy for us to blame other people and circumstances for us being where we are, but it takes great courage to look within and see where you’ve fucked up YOURSELF.

I take full responsibility for the downfalls in my life. Now that all of that is out of the way, I’m taking the steps that I need to take in order to live the life that I truly want to live. I try not to focus on whatever lack I may (or may not) have. I try my best not to focus on the negatives in my life. I’ve trained myself to always find the good in every situation. It’s not always easy but it’s worth the try. I said to myself, “Girl you’ve focused on every negative thing in your life up until this point and just look. Your life is filled with negativity. Why don’t you try to think positive and see what manifests?”

Now when I wake up in the morning I thank God for another beautiful day. I speak out my affirmations while I’m still in bed. Your daily affirmations can be whatever you want them to be but if you have trouble coming up with some you can find my, “50 Powerful Affirmations to Live By,” article right here.

Your voice, whether you believe it or not, is magic. What you think and say begins to take shape in your life. If you’re always finding a problem for every solution, more problems will continue to come your way. When you wake up, think of the qualities you want to carry. Think of the life you want to live and act as if you already have it.

I know there are different religions out there but the bible says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7. Every second of the day your energetic thoughts are CREATING. You are manifesting what you want (and most times what you don’t want) by the amount of time you spend thinking about it.

I remember talking to one of my friends who is in a healthy and loving relationship with a beautiful family. I asked him, “how did you get so lucky?” He told me that he KNEW the life he wanted to live and he manifested it by thinking on it and believing he was worthy enough to have it. He and his wife are now happily expecting their second baby! This is an example of having what you desire. I had grown accustomed to looking at all of my flaws and the negative aspects of my life and myself, I never even believed that I was worthy to have anything good. This conversation shifted my thinking.

In conversations with my boyfriend, I was able to recognize the power of manifestation in his life. I remember he called me and told me about getting booked to do an alcohol commercial. Then he follows this sentence up with, “I always said I would do an alcohol commercial.” Even something as simple as saying, “I’m going to do (insert amazing things you want to do here)” will send higher forces out into the universe to work on your behalf. Seeing this manifest in his life gave me so much hope for my own life. Notice how all things come together in your life… and trace it back to the words and thoughts you’ve had before.

My life isn’t perfect by any means but its so much better than it was. I manifested a positive outlook ON MYSELF. I know my worth. I know what I deserve. I love myself and who I’ve grown to be. I love how I look and how funny I am. I love how creative and strong I am. I love how friendly and encouraging I am and most of all I JUST LOVE ME and I know that I am deserving of all the things God has for me. Guess what? SO ARE YOU.

So take it from me, stop cursing yourself. Stop looking at your past mistakes and condemning yourself. Stop looking at the mistakes of those who came before you. You can do anything you want to do and become anything you want to become. Let your first thoughts when you wake up and your last thoughts before you go to sleep be meditation for what you truly want out of life.



Creative Soul Writing

I live. I write. I give you pieces of me. Enjoy my fiction. Indulge in my life experiences.