Creative Soul Writing
5 min readJun 20, 2017


Pisces: The Mysterious Goddess

“She is the untamed. She is the wild. She will come to you like a storm and wash you of your fears. And then when she leaves, you will wonder how you ever hated the rain.” -Unknown

Pisces women are deep, mysterious, sexy, intelligent and captivating. Though we like to submit, we like control. Though we can be taught, we like to seek out our own answers to life’s questions. Though we are hot, we can be cold. Though we love, we can hate…

The ocean is a beautiful earth entity with depth unimaginable to man. The sea’s floors are sprinkled with mysterious animal and plant life we don’t see often. Family vacations are often spent near the water for bonding and fun. People run to the ocean just to have that moment of peace and clarity amongst the crashing waves…

The Pisces woman is much like the ocean. She is deep and sometimes dark like the ocean’s depth but at times she is light and free from the world like the shallow parts of the water that meet your feet in the sand. She is sometimes tossed to and fro by the waves of her thoughts and emotions. She’s inuitive. She’s a feeler and an avid thinker. Pisces women just KNOW. She can pick up on your vibe and if you’re off, her defense mechanism is to swim away. Please understand, she can sense and see this even if you aren’t around her. Don’t be surprised if you’ve been in communication with a Pisces and she suddenly disappears. She…



Creative Soul Writing

I live. I write. I give you pieces of me. Enjoy my fiction. Indulge in my life experiences.