Creator Deck Blog
2 min readJan 10, 2018

Social Media Metrics 101: What are good engagement rates on Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter?

The influencer space has proven itself to be a profitable, ever-growing opportunity for brands and companies to connect and engage with their target consumers and audience in a relatable way.

With that being said, every social media influencer campaign you plan and execute has its own unique vision, goal and metrics that play a crucial role in delivering the results you and your team are looking for. Have you thought through which KPI’s matter most to you? Is it CPM (cost per impression), CPE (cost per engagement) or are other factors in play?

As part of our Social Media Metrics 101 series, our team here at Creator Deck Media wants to offer our insight into the many KPI’s and factors that contribute to the success of your next social media campaign. We thought a good place to start would be engagement and engagement rates across today’s popular social platforms.

Engagement Rate is simply the percentage of (# of social engagements) over (# of social impressions.) To quantify an “engagement” — it is any like, comment, or share that is made on a post.

Now, the big question is: what’s considered a “good” engagement rate and a “bad” one? There isn’t one right answer, but there ARE target zones that we’ve identified to help us determine if our campaign was worth repeating (or scaling.)

INSTAGRAM (Target: 3.23% to 2.64% )

Instagram is one of the most popular social platform for influencer generated content (IGC). The higher organic reach you earn with each sponsored photo or video post, the more engagement you earn through likes and comments, and the more influencer ROI you get.

Pro Tip: With the takeover of Instagram Stories, we’re given the opportunity to maximize on engagement numbers because each of an influencer’s followers is consciously choosing to “view” and interact with his or her content.

TWITTER (Target: 0.187% to 0.153%)

We see Twitter as a platform that works best with interactive pieces such as event promotion, live interaction between brands and their ambassadors (such as a Q&A session or curated account takeover) and to link to larger pieces of content (such as a blog post or YouTube video.)

Pro Tip: Take advantage of tracking link usage! Clickbait works. Make sure the call to action is clear and your content direction for the influencer is engaging, or it will risk getting lost in the feed.

YOUTUBE (Target: 9.44% to 7.72%)

According to Tribe, Micro Influencers generate higher engagement — ”the smaller the social account, the higher the level of organic engagement.” Instagram, Facebook and Youtube are great platforms for IGC that may reach less eyeballs, but more than likely leaves a greater, more memorable impression because the influencer is closer to ground and more relatable to their readers than say, an Instagram celebrity.

Pro Tip: Identify your rising star Micro Influencers! We’re talking about organic fans of your brand who are working just as hard as you are to grow awareness around their personal brand. Reach out and foster these relationships into long term, valuable partnerships.