Creepy Creams Roadmap 2.0

Creepy Creams
3 min readNov 4, 2021


Isn’t she beautiful?

So, Creepy Creams started off as a 10k PFP project with the aim of investing in a single Indy video game and a one-off charity donation to a children’s charity. We launched on the day the NFT bear-market hit which killed so many projects.

This was a tough couple of weeks as we hadn’t planned for gas to be sky-high and the NFT market suddenly going silent.

We re-grouped, re-planned and adapted. Supply was cut to 1500 and the roadmap was drastically altered. The Alpha Wave was born, a kind of Genesis wave that was actually brilliant. It gave us creative license to make the project more exciting and ready for the true bear market.

We started discussing breeding, evolution, heroes and villains… We held a community vote to name out token $SCOOP and Raj started smashing the calculator to figure out the tokenomics.

And here we are. Alphas, Omegas, Melters, Babies and $SCOOP token.

We realised that we needed to be investing for the future. Creepy Creams has become a DAO, but we’re not just investing in “blue-chips”.

We want to buy up Metaverse land and we are doing just that, with fractionalisation for our community.


We are the first DAO that not only purchases and fractionalises blue chip NFTs to be distributed to its members, but also aiming to control a large stake of metaverse land for future partnerships, as well as our own P2E game.

The $SCOOP token represents fractional shares of Blue-chips and Land held in the “freezer” or vault. Each Creepy Cream: Alpha Wave NFT earns 10 SCOOP per day from staking.

Each Creepy Cream: Alpha Wave NFT grants access to the exclusive DAO community and voting rights over the DAO’s assets.

The Creepy Cream DAO will provide holders with exclusive access to NFT drops and much more future utility which you can see on the roadmap above.

Alpha Utility

There will only be 1500 Alphas in existence. They are the true OG collectors who will have the greatest benefit moving forward.

  1. Alpha cream holders get a guaranteed whitelist spot in all future collections.
  2. Alphas can be staked to earn 10 $SCOOP daily.
  3. Alphas will be able to breed in the future to spawn Baby Creams, using the $SCOOP that they generate.
  4. Alphas will get a 1:1 VX version for the Metaverse

Mecha Melters Utility

6000 of these insane, piloted war machines will fund the Creepy Creams DAO.

  1. The DAO will vote on blue-chip NFTs to buy, Metaverse land to grab and which childrens’ charities to donate to.
  2. Mecha holders will get a bonus airdrop to set them up for the breeding and evolution in the next collections.
  3. VX mecha melters will be made ready for the metaverse.

We’ll cover even more utility as we go along, as well as a final date for the release of the Mecha Melters!! Stay tuned.

The Creepy Creams Team.



Creepy Creams

Creepy Creams DAO invests in blue-chip NFTs, Metaverse land and donates to children’s charities. Future P2E gaming programmed.