Ripple (XRP) — Can It Make You A Millionaire?

The metrics say YES but are we sold?

5 min readJun 6, 2018

The following will detail the reasons why you should hold some XRP in your portfolio. After reading this and completing some of your own research on what Ripple is up to, I believe you too will decide to hold some. I was never a fan of XRP because it is not decentralized and it is called the ‘Bankers Coin’ but this is the token that will go mainstream first. Don’t miss out on making some money because of the non-decentralized nature of Ripple, sheesh, we’ve been using centralized FIAT for many years.

Ripple Logo

Any commodity in the world is price driven based on its use case, scarcity and popularity. The banking system has not changed its base infrastructure in over 40 years, which is an eternity in terms of the technological advancements of today. The whole setup needs to be completely gutted and this is where the potential of Ripple (XRP) usage comes into play. Existing banking infrastructure relies on pre-funded Nostro/Vostro accounts to complete payments through the ‘Correspondent Banking System’. Connecting the banks with xCurrent is the first step, then once all the banks are connected they can then switch to XRP for settlements.

You need to let go of any preconceptions you have in regards to ‘Market Cap’ as this is a misnomer. Just because a coin/token has a cap of $100 Billion does not mean that amount of money has been poured into it, it is a simple calculation that confuses everyone and means absolutely nothing. Its pretty plain and simple to see that the coin/token is worth ‘X’ and that is the end of it. As an example, the UK does not take all the circulating Sterling and use it to calculate the net worth of the Bank of England. It just seems silly. Every coin/token has the same amount of ‘Satoshi’ in them, LTC/BTC/ADB/XRP… they are all the same. By this logic, we can plainly see that each and every coin can reach any level!, and I do mean ‘any’ level. There is precisely the same amount of steps to take (satoshi increments) to reach $10 or $10,000. There is however one irritation and that is that each coin is currently pegged to the value of Bitcoin. When it goes up — the price of each Satoshi goes up accordingly, and the same is true on the way down. This will however disappear once every coin/token is pegged to a coin like USDT (Tether) for example, which would give true value to every coin/token as they would then become independent. This is when the price of XRP will begin to move in a big way and if we take the metrics that are in use for ‘banking only’ with pre-funded accounts totaling $27 Trillion we can see the following:

Total XRP : 100,000,000,000, Liquid supply required: $27 Trillion for Banking only XRP price required to fill required supply: $270 per XRP.


Now, the uninformed individual will insist that XRP can not get to that price point. Note how I mentioned ‘Banking only’ with such insistence, this is because not only the banks will be/are using this commodity. Shops/companies do not like the fact that they must pay for the ability to use the small handheld card machines at £35 per month and they are also further compounded by the wait of 3–5 days for payments to clear for internet purchases. Why go through all that when they can use XRP to transact for free? Anyone can own a Wallet for free, anyone can use Ripple Ledger for free, you and I can send each other money…. for free! The costs of transferring money will be eliminated for all (if they desire). Large organisations will prefer to use either xVia or xCurrent which is subscription based, but still cheaper than paying to use the current systems. Companies will now no longer need to pay their employees at cost to themselves, each transfer incurs a cost to a company, but XRP won’t (sorry, they may need to pay 1 cent if they have 9,999 individuals on staff… heart breaking i know!) Take all these use cases into consideration and you will quickly conclude that the price of a single XRP will be more than $1,000 in the next 3–5 years.

There will be a drive soon for the average Joe to have the ability to spend XRP like they do with Apply pay… Oh, wait… Apple has already introduced the required API’s into IOS 11.1 to use Ripple Net… So that ‘wave of the phone’ can use your XRP balance to complete a payment — as of NOW! Lastly, I want to point out that Bitcoin is a ticking time Bomb and the country that has the button is China! 4 out of the 5 largest mining pools are located in China. This ‘centralized’ mining ability gives rise to the inevitable collapse of Bitcoin, or any other mined coin for that matter. Once they have finished mining all the Bitcoin, you seriously don’t think they will continue to run the miners do you…? No — they are then going to move onto another coin to continue to make money… that’s all this game is being played for.. MONEY! You can’t imagine the storm that will engulf the digital currency world when the mining stops and it takes you weeks to process a single transaction. Like a 30 day savings account, you desperately want access to your money but you just can’t get to it… all the while the price of your coin is depreciating and your losing money — dollar by dollar, pound by pound… it will be drained of funds! Or.. lets just say that there is a large natural disaster and a large portion of the mining in China goes off-line… same situation! If a coin is solving a problem, if a coin has a purpose, then it will do well. If a coin it just being used to store wealth but you just can’t spend it… well… whats the point in that? Bitcoin’s time is ticking down as the new wave of coins/tokens appear. Will it be EOS, Ripple, Cardano or NULS taking up the attack on FIAT or will it be an entire army of digital financial system heretics! Interesting times lay ahead, join the fight and digitize some of your financials.

Ripple has made huge strides and I can honestly say that I believe Ripple will become a household name like Apple. Ripple is the one whom I believe will crack the mainstream first and it will be a monumental time for the Cryptosphere in general.

The Ripple suite of products will soon be adopted by the banking system. Hold some or miss out, it’s that simple!

Generate wealth with me. Peace.

