A Betrayal Beyond Belief: The Sorrowful Demise of Shibli Sadik Ridoy

Crime Stories Now
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Betrayed by Friends: The Tragic End of Shibli Sadik Ridoy

In the bustling city of Chattagram in Bangladesh, a promising young man named Shibli Sadik Ridoy, just 18 years old, was embroiled in a horrific crime that shook the community to its core. Born into a humble family, Shibli had a burning passion for education and a determination to achieve his dreams against all odds. Working diligently at a poultry farm to support his studies, Shibli quickly earned the respect of his peers and superiors with his unwavering work ethic and dedication.

However, tragedy struck on a fateful day in August 2023, when Shibli failed to return home from work. His worried parents’ worst fears were confirmed when they received a chilling call from Shibli himself, revealing that he had been kidnapped and was in grave danger. The kidnappers demanded a ransom that Shibli’s family could not afford, plunging them into a desperate race against time to gather the money and secure their son’s release.

Despite their best efforts, Shibli’s parents could only manage to gather a fraction of the exorbitant ransom demanded by the heartless captors. In a cruel turn of events, the kidnappers ultimately resorted to violence, leading to the tragic demise of the bright young man whose life was filled with promise.

The subsequent police investigation revealed a web of deceit and betrayal, as Shibli’s so-called friends and coworkers were implicated in his abduction and murder. The perpetrators callously confessed to their heinous act, divulging the gruesome details of how they had brutally ended Shibli’s life and disposed of his body.

As the truth of Shibli’s harrowing fate came to light, shock and outrage rippled through the community, sparking nationwide protests and calls for justice. The perpetrators, exposed for their wicked deeds, faced the wrath of a grieving populace still reeling from the senseless loss of a beloved son.

In a final, chilling twist, one of the culprits met a swift and brutal end at the hands of an enraged crowd, underscoring the deep sense of betrayal and outrage felt by all those touched by Shibli’s untimely death.

The tragic tale of Shibli Sadik Ridoy serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of betrayal and greed. His memory lives on as a somber cautionary tale of the dark depths to which humanity can descend, leaving behind a legacy of sorrow and anguish for those who loved him most.

#Betrayal #JusticeForShibli #TragicEnd #CommunityOutrage



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