Shadows of the Internet: The Chilling Truth Behind Slenderman Stabbing

Crime Stories Now
2 min readJun 3, 2024


Shadows of the Internet: The Chilling Reality Behind the Slenderman Stabbing

In a quiet Wisconsin town, innocence turned to terror on May 31st, 2014. Three friends — Morgan, Anissa, and Payton — embarked on a game of hide-and-seek in the nearby woods. Unbeknownst to Payton, her friends harbored a sinister agenda.

Influenced by the internet myth of Slender Man, a malevolent figure known for snatching kids, the trio sought to appease this ghastly entity. Initially born on a humor site in 2009, Slender Man morphed into a phenomenon, inspiring tales and even a Hollywood film. Yet, for Morgan and Anissa, Slender Man wasn’t mere fiction; he was an entity to be pleased, even at the cost of their friend’s wellbeing.

As the game unfolded, Payton fell victim to her friends’ twisted scheme. Anissa, apologizing softly, viciously attacked her, inflicting 19 brutal stab wounds with a knife from her mother’s kitchen. Despite the horror, Payton summoned the strength to reach a road, where a passing cyclist called for aid. Despite life-threatening injuries, Payton survived, aiding in the capture of Morgan and Anissa, who were arrested near a furniture store with the murder weapon.

The ensuing inquiry uncovered a jarring chasm between youth’s innocence and human malevolence. Anissa contemplated self-imprisonment to prevent future harm, while Morgan dismissed their actions as mere carelessness.

The aftermath left the community in shock, struggling to fathom how adolescents could perpetrate such an atrocity. The documentary illuminates the internet’s insidious sway, the potency of legend and conviction, and the dire outcomes of untreated mental anguish.

Shadows of the Internet: The Chilling Reality Behind the Slenderman Stabbing unearths the chilling verity behind a seemingly harmless pastime gone awry, revealing the dark corners of the digital arena and the fragile boundary between childhood purity and humanity’s abyss.

#DarkReality #InternetInfluence #ChildhoodHorror #MentalHealthAwareness



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