Unmasking the Dexter Copycat Killer: The Mark Twitchell Saga

Crime Stories Now
2 min readMay 6, 2024


Unraveling the Dexter Copycat Killer: The Mark Twitchell Story

In the shadowy depths of an Edmonton garage, a tale of obsession and deceit unravels. Mark Twitchell, an unassuming man, nurtured a sinister obsession inspired by the popular TV series, Dexter. Just like the enigmatic Dexter Morgan, Mark led a dual existence, one that culminated in a string of horrific crimes that jolted the community to its core.

Despite being a family man with a wife and child, Mark harbored aspirations of carving a path in the film industry. However, his aspirations took a malevolent turn as he became fixated on the character of Dexter Morgan, a forensic blood spatter analyst who morphs into a vigilante serial killer. Mark’s admiration soon mutated into a perilous fixation, driving him to emulate his twisted idol.

Drawing inspiration from Dexter, Mark meticulously plotted what he deemed the “perfect murder.” By enticing unsuspecting victims to a rented garage under the guise of a film project, he unleashed a nightmarish ordeal of brutality and gore. The grisly details of his atrocities were chronicled in a bone-chilling manifesto labeled SK Confessions, a ghastly narrative of his plunge into darkness.

Tragically, Mark’s initial victim, Johnny Altinger, met a grim demise at the hands of the Dexter copycat killer. His body mutilated and disposed of in a sewage system, his vanishing triggered a police investigation that ultimately led to Mark’s downfall. Despite his endeavors to obfuscate the truth, the mounting evidence sealed his fate, ultimately resulting in his arrest and subsequent conviction for first-degree murder.

Throughout the trial, Mark endeavored to ensnare the jury in a web of falsehoods, claiming self-defense and casting himself as a victim of circumstance. However, his fabrications failed to deceive, culminating in a verdict that ensured he faced the repercussions of his monstrous acts. Mark Twitchell was condemned to a life behind bars, putting an end to his reign of terror.

The saga of Mark Twitchell serves as a harrowing reminder of the perils of obsession and the blurred boundary between fiction and reality. Fuelled by a fictional persona, Mark’s spiral into darkness led to authentic tragedy and the tragic loss of innocent lives. The chronicle of the Dexter copycat killer stands as a cautionary narrative, unmasking the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the facade of normalcy, a gripping chronicle of deceit, homicide, and the chilling allure of the shadows.

#MarkTwitchell #DexterCopycat #TrueCrime #DarkObsession



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