21/5 Twitter Chat on School Cuts & Inclusive Education: Introductory Tweets & Questions

2 min readMay 17, 2017


Welcome to tonight’s #CripTheVoteUK chat, looking at the #schoolcuts and #inclusiveeducation.

We are pleased to have guest hosts @CatchTheseWords, @ALLFIEUK and @SFAactive with us today!

Please remember to use the #CripTheVoteUK hashtag when you tweet. FYI: today’s chat will be 75min long.

If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CripTheVoteUK”

With that, we’ll hand the reins over to @CatchTheseWords and @ALLFIEUK who will be tweeting today’s questions!

Q0. Please introduce yourself in a way in which you are comfortable! Why is #inclusiveeducation important to you? #CripTheVoteUK

Q1. How are #educationcuts affecting #accessibility / inclusivity at your school, college or university? #CripTheVoteUK

Q2. What concerns do you have about this govt’s plan to expand selective schools? What might this mean for disabled students? #CripTheVoteUK

Q3 Have the cuts to DSA impacted your ability to access higher ed? #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q4. What does #inclusiveeducation mean to you? #CripTheVoteUK

Q5. People who choose inclusive ed are having that choice denied. What needs to change? #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q6.1 Disabled young people who need support are often forced onto ‘prep for adulthood’ courses in further education. #CripTheVoteUK

Q6.2 Would you say this is inclusion? #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q7.1 The UK govt continues to breach the UN’s CRPD w/ respect to the right of disabled ppl to education. #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q7.2 Link to Article 24 of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities/article-24-education.html #CripTheVoteUK

Q7.3 Why do you think they keep doing this? #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q7.4 What can / should be done about this? #CripTheVoteUK #inclusiveeducation

Q8. What should an incoming government do to support #inclusiveeducation in the UK? #CripTheVoteUK

This concludes the #CripTheVoteUK chat on #schoolcuts and #inclusiveeducation. Thank you to our guest hosts @CatchTheseWords and @ALLFIEUK!

Please keep the convo going & join us for our 28/5 chat on Disability & the NHS, guest hosted by @HannahPopsy.

We will also be holding a special Twitter chat on 25/5 looking at ME & the #psychosocialagenda, guest hosted by @robmcd85 #MillionsMissing #CripTheVoteUK

If you are interested in sharing your experiences with school cuts and inaccessible education in greater detail, you can do so (anonymously) at https://t.co/Bi9lRNkGNv

A Storify of this #CripTheVoteUK chat will be up shortly. Thanks again for joining us!




Grassroots campaign to make disability rights a key issue in British politics. Donation link: paypal.me/cripthevoteuk