28/5 Chat on Disability and the NHS: Introductory Tweets & Questions

2 min readMay 24, 2017


Welcome to tonight’s #CripTheVoteUK chat, looking at #disability & the #NHS.

We are pleased to have guest host @HannahPopsy with us today!

Please remember to use the #CripTheVoteUK hashtag when you tweet. FYI: today’s chat will be 120min long.

If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CripTheVoteUK”

Q0. Please introduce yourself in a way you’re comfortable with. Why do you think the NHS is a disability rights issue?

For patients

Q1. What has your experience with seeking healthcare related for your conditions been like?

For doctors

Q2. How have NHS cuts affected your ability to care for your patients?

For patients

Q3.1 Do you need to see a specialist for your condition(s)?

Q3.2 If so, how long did you have to wait for a referral?

Q3.3 Are you able to see your specialist regularly?

Q3.4 How do you think your access to specialist care impacts your health and disabilities?

For doctors

Q4.1 How has devolution of NHS planning & commissioning affected your ability to refer patients to correct specialist care?

Q4.2 How has access (or lack of access) to correct specialist care impacted the clinical outcomes you are seeing?

For patients

Q5. Have you experienced resistance from your doctors with regard to obtaining referrals or changing your treatments?

For doctors

Q6.1 How has devolution of commissioning affected your ability to provide patients a range of treatment options?

Q6.2 How has the diversity of treatment options available impacted outcomes & patient-reported QOL?

For patients

Q7. Have you experienced difficulties with getting the assistive devices you need, or with getting proper maintenance for them?

For doctors

Q8. How have NHS cuts overall affected clinical outcomes and welfare of chronic / complex patients?

For patients

Q9. Have you ever had to visit the A&E because you couldn’t get the medical care you need through other channels?

For doctors & patients

Q10. What do you think a renewed mandate for this govt will mean for the wellbeing of disabled patients?

This concludes the #CripTheVoteUK chat on disability and the NHS. Thank you to our guest host @HannahPopsy!

Please keep the convo going & join us for our 4/6 chat on workshy rhetoric & #hatecrime, guest hosted by @thelizcarr!

If you’re interested in sharing your experiences w/ seeking healthcare under #NHScuts you can do so (anonymously) at https://t.co/Bi9lRNkGNv




Grassroots campaign to make disability rights a key issue in British politics. Donation link: paypal.me/cripthevoteuk