Thales of Miletus: An Odd Philosopher, Astronomer and Mathematician.

Cris Scribes, PhD
5 min readNov 11, 2023


Philosophers have long been intriguing figures throughout history, shaping the way we perceive and understand the world. One such unusual philosopher was Thales of Miletus, who lived in ancient Greece during the 6th century BCE. Although not much is known about him, the anecdotes and stories that have been passed down through generations shed light on his oddities and contributions to the field of philosophy.

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Let’s then review some stories about the life of Thales of Miletus that make him stand out as a philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician.

Using Knowledge to Create Wealth

Thales was known for his ability to merge theory and practicality, a characteristic that distinguished him from his contemporaries. One of the stories capturing this aspect of his character revolves around his prediction of a great olive harvest in the coming year. He knew this because he was always looking at the sky, trying to decipher star movements and weather patterns.

Recognizing the inevitable increase in demand for oil presses during that time, he saw an opportunity to profit from the situation. By acquiring a large number of oil presses before the harvest, Thales created a scarcity in supply.

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Once the olive harvest yielded an abundance of fruit and the demand for oil presses skyrocketed, Thales became the sole provider of these essential tools. In turn, he was able to lease them at exorbitant prices, capitalizing on his knowledge and the desperation of those who needed the presses.

This pragmatism showcased Thales’ unique approach to philosophy, emphasizing the importance of applying theories to real-world scenarios.

Water-Centric Ideas

Thales often defied convention through his groundbreaking ideas, some of which have shaped the foundations of modern scientific thought. One of his most famous assertions was that water is the primary element from which all things arise.

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Water held a special significance for Thales due to its ubiquitous presence in nature. It is essential for all forms of life and plays a vital role in various natural phenomena such as rain, rivers, and tides. Thales observed that all living organisms require water to survive and that water is a fundamental component of many natural processes.

It is important to note that Thales’ assertion about water was not based on scientific experimentation or empirical evidence as we understand it today. Instead, his idea was a product of philosophical inquiry, intuition, and observation of the natural world.

While this may seem strange to us now, it challenged traditional beliefs and set the stage for further philosophical and scientific breakthroughs. Thales’ unconventional thinking led him to explore the fundamental nature of reality, inspiring future generations of philosophers to question and delve deeper into the mysteries of existence.

The Stargazing Philosopher

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Another aspect that makes Thales a unique philosopher is his interest in astronomy. He successfully predicted a solar eclipse in 585 BCE, showcasing his understanding of celestial phenomena. While the exact methods Thales employed are not clear from historical records, there are a few theories as to how he may have accomplished this prediction.

Thales likely traveled East and had access to astronomical records and observations from ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who had been observing celestial events for centuries. By studying these records and building upon the knowledge available at the time, Thales may have been able to anticipate the occurrence of a solar eclipse.

Additionally, Thales might have made use of his understanding of geometry and geography to predict the eclipse. By studying the positions of celestial bodies relative to specific geographic locations, Thales could have made educated predictions about astronomical events.

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His fascination with the heavens was an uncommon focus for philosophers of that time, highlighting his intellectual curiosity and willingness to explore beyond the terrestrial realm.

Thales’ mathematical inclination and cosmic interest laid the groundwork for the scientific inquiries that would come to define subsequent generations.

Geometric Pilgrimage

Thales is often credited with introducing the study of geometry to ancient Greece. He is said to have traveled to Egypt and learned geometric principles there, which he later brought back and applied in Greece.

The introduction of geometric concepts, such as theorems and mathematical proofs, laid the foundation for the development of Greek mathematics and its subsequent influence on global mathematical thought.

Furthermore, Thales is believed to have developed a method to determine the height of pyramids while standing on level ground. According to historical accounts, he did this by using the principles of geometry and the similarity of triangles.

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By measuring the length of the shadow cast by the pyramid and his own shadow, Thales could calculate the height of the structure. This mathematical technique demonstrates his application of geometric principles to practical problems.

Thales’ contributions brought forth new ideas, methods, and ways of thinking that would shape the future of astronomy and mathematics.

Solitude and Wisdom

Despite his notable interactions with society and his astute business acumen, Thales was also known for his periods of seclusion and contemplation. It is said that he would spend hours meditating and reflecting, seeking an understanding of the universe through introspection.

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This reclusive behavior shows his dedication to inner reflection and intellectual pursuits. Thales’ choice to withdraw from the chaos of society demonstrates his desire for solitude as a means to delve into the depths of philosophical thought.

Thales de Mileto’s uniqueness as a philosopher stemmed from his practicality, unconventional thinking, interest in astronomy, and reclusive tendencies. His contributions, though surrounded by mystery, continue to inspire and shape our understanding of the world even today.

By delving into the stories that surround his life, we gain insight into the idiosyncrasies of a unique philosopher. Thales serves as a reminder that true wisdom often lies in embracing the peculiar and challenging the status quo, even in the field of philosophy.


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