10 Steps that make iPhone Application Development Easy

5 min readJul 13, 2015


Rome was not built in a day and so is the case with successful iPhone applications. A lot of time goes in planning, preparing a primary blue-print, and understanding the market trends before actually building an iPhone application — that has the potential to take mobile users by storm. Believe me, looking at current state; iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Apps Developers, are certainly here to stay and stay for long.

Of several factors that work in favor of popularity of iPhone application development includes, the demand for technically superior, intuitive and cutting-edge applications. And hence, it is important that iPhone developers as well as designers take care of certain steps that play an extremely crucial role when it comes to building a custom-made iPhone app for end-users. Through this short article; we shall have a look at ten, very crucial steps required to develop effective iPhone applications.

Proper assessment of Project Brief

Before commencing the actual development process; iPhone developers as well as iPhone app designers are briefed about the job by their clients. Now, any developer from an experienced iPhone Application development company or an iPhone app development firm with decent understanding of iPhone apps will comprehend that such “project briefing” in the initial stage project holds utmost importance. It helps people involved to get a grip over the project and make a wireframe for the same, to avoid any discrepancies in later stages. And therefore, this needs a complete analysis; as it gives them a clear as well as well-defined perception of the task and even they can know the expectations from this project. This also means that extra care needs to be taken when you Hire iPhone App Developers.

Feasibility Study

It is important to establish feasibility check beforehand, whether the job is practically possible or not. At times, projects look beautiful on paper; but are not practically viable. With such information the developers and designers can determine the approximate value of, to be assigned task and also decide the time to market.

Additionally, the feasibility research study helps in establishing whether end-results will meet end-customer desires. During this study; if the team identifies that the project/task is not feasible enough; they can suggest improvisations. This step equally includes a summary of the existing system as well as the planned system; the possible problems and even the objectives that need to be accomplished. The whole idea behind this exercise is to become certain about the stability of the project, and also provides an insight to locate an alternative that can be applied as a part of master plan in unfavorable situations.

Threat Assessment

An iPhone application development process is considered to be incomplete without assessing the dangers involved in the process. Threat analysis involves identification of potential risks and also matching preventive actions. There are numerous issues that can pop-up during project advancement including, but not limited to:

→Failing to recognize complex functionalities related to iPhone
→Coding flaws
→Possible failures throughout module integration

These problems if recognized beforehand; can help in trouble-shooting at later stages. These risks may be associated to organizing of the task or related to technical aspects. Threat evaluation enables one to track on-time submissions and sees that the job is finished in stipulated time frame.

Collecting Requirements

The next step of iPhone application development procedure involves gathering or understanding requirements. It is important that developers take into consideration, point of view of both their client and also of the end-customer. This is then followed with identifying the devices, along with technologies, so that they can be effectively used in developing the application. Solely for this purpose, it is critical to keep both client requirements and also individual expectations in mind, while fixating the devices and innovations.


The entire strategizing process consists of recognizing the actual activities to be undertaken by the developers as well as the method that can be used to efficiently fulfil the task. Fundamentally, it divides the entire task into smaller but workable units. Specifying sources and tasks, results into a timetable; thus keeping the project on track.

Allocation of Resources

A firm has to allot resources in regards to its devices, technologies, infrastructure as well as human resources. As and when the drawing board gets full, these resources could be put aside as per the requirements of the job and subsequent tasks involved in it.

Defining and Assigning Roles

Specifying duties helps in assigning tasks to ideal person, the one who possesses the best skills to do a particular task conveniently. This could be done by assessing the experience of the experts, suitable to the current task. Let us take an example the roles can be that of a Project Manager/Leader, Team Leader, Developer, designer and analyst etc. When such functions are well-defined the very beginning of the project, there are less chances of conflicts.

Design and Development of iPhone Application

During the design stage, iPhone developers have to collaborate to put together an application that is created in accordance with global standards. At this stage creation of a comprehensive design file supported by a dummy-model to show various user interface elements; and the real style of the application. This is then achieved with normal routine feedbacks from the developers. This is then followed with developers handling databases and even produces the code to create the application in the same way; it was strategized.


Usually, the job command procedure is all about overviewing the project in a more effective manner. It involves assessment of progression, following the adjustments or any deviations from the plan. In addition to these commands, it is more about taking care of any sudden delays in the most effective manner to ensure that the project is way ahead of its due date, but the spending plan as suggested by the client — does not go beyond.

Final Testing

Throughout testing phase, all sides of the application are well-checked, one at a time for their functionality and also for its efficiency. It mostly involves insect tracking in the code, evaluating the correct functioning of the attributes and combinations, and also check whether the system satisfies designated high quality requirements or not.




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