A Beautiful Life

Criss Ittermann
1 min readJun 8, 2018


People are made in all shapes and sizes, in every style, with a wide range of experiences to offer humanity.

We aren’t meant to be perfect or normal. We aren’t meant to all be made from the same mold. We can’t inspire others to greatness or creativity, to passion or love of the world from a prison of mediocrity and sameness.

When someone struggles with incarnation, when their genius also is their madness, and they drive themselves to share their passion and love until it consumes them, it is beautiful. And sad. And proves how precious our gifts are and how important it is to share them.

There’s another angel in the afterworld, and how they lost their life makes their life no less precious and their gifts to us all no less important.

This can be dedicated to so many over the years whether they lost the battle with depression or addiction or cancer or AIDS….we are not to pass judgement on others; that job is out of our hands. Our charge is doing everything we can to shine in our power and make a difference WITH our difference. Otherwise, why be different at all?



Criss Ittermann

Life coach, plural/DID activist and instructor, content creator