This 500-Year-Old Map Changes EVERYTHING We Know About History

Cristina Gomez
3 min readApr 26, 2024

A 500-year-old artifact known as the Piri Reis map has been causing a stir in the world of archaeology, forcing experts to question our understanding of human history and civilization. The map, drawn by Admiral Piri Reis of the Turkish Fleet in 1513, depicts the Atlantic, Caribbean, Americas, and Antarctica in stunning detail, with Antarctica shown as an ice-free continent.

This discovery is particularly intriguing when considered alongside recent archaeological findings in Turkey, such as Çatal Höyük, Göbekli Tepe, and Boncuklu Tarla, which date back at least 12,000 years. These excavations have revealed sophisticated stone masonry and hints of advanced maritime navigation, suggesting that ancient civilizations may have been charting the oceans and continents thousands of years before the discovery of the Americas by Columbus.

Antarctica, the fifth-largest continent, holds 70% of the world’s freshwater reserves in the form of ice. Scientists believe that the continent has been frozen for 15–20 million years, with a brief thaw about 3 million years ago and a possible thaw between 9,000 BC and 4,000 BC. Today, 95% of Antarctica’s coastline is buried under ice shelves, and the actual mapping of the rock continent beneath the ice was not completed until the 1980s, thanks to advancements in echo sounding technologies.

The Piri Reis map’s depiction of an ice-free Antarctica raises significant questions about the origin of the information used to create the map. According to researchers, Admiral Piri Reis used at least 20 other sources of nautical map data for his rendition, suggesting that the original mapping must have originated over 6,000 years ago.

This revelation has led some to speculate about the existence of a lost, ancient civilization that may have been responsible for the advanced mapping knowledge. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that this civilization could be the fabled Atlantis, which Greek philosopher Plato wrote about in his works.

If the Piri Reis map is indeed based on ancient mapping data from a lost civilization, it could mean that Antarctica was once a more hospitable place, possibly even a lush, tropical paradise. The idea of Atlantis being located under the ice of Antarctica is a tantalizing one, but it remains a topic of speculation and debate among researchers and enthusiasts alike.

As more archaeological discoveries come to light and advanced technologies allow us to explore the world in greater detail, we may uncover more evidence that challenges our conventional understanding of human history and civilization. The Piri Reis map serves as a reminder that there is still much to learn about our past and the world we inhabit.

But wait, there’s MORE..! Catch the rest of the Piri Reis Map in the newest episode.

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Cristina Gomez

I'm seeking answers to the big mysteries, and the nature of reality. Join me on this journey of finding the answers.