International Women’s Day

Associate Principal Pink Sakdiarpa on her journey to CrossBoundary

The CrossBoundary Group
4 min readMar 8, 2023

Spotlight Q&A with CrossBoundary Women for International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

To commemorate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, CrossBoundary is checking in with women leaders serving on CrossBoundary’s teams for their thoughts on gender equality in the workplace and beyond. In our first two Q&As, we caught up with CrossBoundary Energy’s Head of Project Development, Loda Dedekind, and Senior Associate Emma Al-Baqir:

Next up is Pink Sakdiarpa, Associate Principal serving on CrossBoundary Advisory’s Southeast Asia team, based in Bangkok. She completed a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Thammasat University. Prior to joining CrossBoundary, Pink held an investment banking role at The Quant Group, a boutique M&A advisory firm in Thailand. Pink’s regional experience in Southeast Asia spans financial advisory assignments, including M&A transactions, business valuations, and the design and implementation of strategic initiatives and client programs.

Our Southeast Asia advisory team works with clients seeking to close the investment gap for women-owned agri-MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) in the region. According to Asian Development Bank data, Southeast Asia is home to a staggering 71 million MSMEs — with women-led businesses comprising roughly 60%. Women-owned agri-MSMEs can boost incomes, empower communities, and contribute to a just agri-food systems transformation.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme, DigiALL: innovation and technology for gender equality, is especially relevant to the work of the Southeast Asia advisory team. With more access to digital tools, women business owners can leverage technology to boost financial literacy, connect to capital markets, increase their profitability, and expand their operations.

Read on to hear more from Pink:

Name: Pink Sakdiarpa

Title: Associate Principal, CrossBoundary Advisory

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Q: What excites you most about your current work?

Pink: A combination of knowing you can be of service to those who really need it while learning about innovative financial solutions available in the unique markets we serve.

What motivated you to join CrossBoundary? How has your experience been so far?

Around 2017, I had an extended conversation with a good friend about what type of activist activity could drive change for the situation in Palestine. Out of that interaction, my friend chose an activist route while I gravitated toward capital market solutions.

During my research, I realized if there was any firm that would endeavor to enter a market like Palestine, CrossBoundary would be at the top of the list. I knew I had to be a part of it. Although I ultimately joined the Bangkok team, the shared mission speaks volumes.

In what feels like a full circle moment, CrossBoundary recently expanded to Palestine. I hope that says enough about how my experience has been so far. :)

In the markets/sectors you serve, where have you seen the gender equity gap occur?

Agriculture is definitely a sector where the gender gap exists, without a doubt. We see a lot of that in Southeast Asia, where we are working with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Grow Asia, and the Just Rural Transition to explore how to boost investment in women-owned agri-SMEs in Indonesia. SMEs account for 99% of businesses in Indonesia and employ 97% of the workforce, of whom 65% are women.

What is your superpower or biggest strength?

Speaking my truth, even when it is not easy to do.

Is there an influential woman in history or public life that has inspired you, either personally or professionally?

Definitely Ruth Bader Ginsburg!!!

Which woman in your life has influenced your career in a positive way?

My late friend Una McCauley. She was previously the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Sri Lanka. She devoted her life to the work of children and so much more in the humanitarian space. This piece about her says it all. What is not covered in the story was how loving she was to every human and animal, her great sense of humor, and her insane storytelling skills! My interest in Africa and doing work in the service of others has been hugely influenced by her.

The late Una McCauley

Inspired by the women working at CrossBoundary? Passionate about creating lasting change in underserved markets? Learn more about our current openings and apply to join our team here.

CrossBoundary is a mission-driven investment firm committed to unlocking the power of capital for sustainable growth and strong returns in underserved markets. Our team members come from diverse backgrounds but share several qualities: curiosity, humility, integrity, a drive for excellence, and a bias for action. Sound like you? Drop us a line.



The CrossBoundary Group

Our mission is to unlock the power of capital to make a strong return and a lasting difference in frontier markets.