Cross Hedge Press Release

Cross Hedge
3 min readOct 10, 2018


Cross Hedge ICO Launching Today

Cross Hedge is tomorrow’s asset manager.

In this increasingly globalized and digitized environment, with a strong willingness to eliminate unnecessary intermediation, cryptocurrencies, by their nature and structure, will ineluctably push new boundaries.

As we move towards this revolution, French Company Cross Hedge is willing to place itself at the forefront of this large-scale wave. In parallel, the emergence of new technologies such as the Blockchain, are opening new business model possibilities minimizing operational costs while increasing security and transparency.

Cross Hedge focuses on democratizing the access to fund and asset management through Artificial Intelligence & Ledger Technology. The current financial model is plagued by inequalities. Those inequalities and capital discrimination can be fought through expertise. At Cross Hedge we are developing an AI powered investment system that gives you the stability you’re after.

With no discrimination Cross Hedge is offering a solution to all. We distribute different investment solutions based on A.I models directly to you, eliminating financial intermediation. The minimum capital floor to invest will be very low resulting in an accessible market which is not just reserved to the elite.

It works with our Smart Contracts called Smartpieces™ rooted in the Stellar blockchain technology for faster, cheaper and more reliable transactions, revolutionizing today’s models. Cross Hedge will offer and distribute different fully automated investment schemes breaking out from the traditional model. Thanks to the ledger technology, Cross Hedge designs an investment fund architecture that is more secure, more transparent, faster, and cost efficient.

More than stability, Cross Hedge wishes to offer returns for cryptocurrency holders who are currently not able to anticipate, trade or cover their positions. Cross Hedge is bringing together the latest trading capabilities with innovating technologies to offer tomorrow’s asset management services. To raise funds and build our product we decided to launch our ICO through Stellar blockchain, introducing the CROSS, our Stellar native asset.

With Cross Hedge you’ll be able to:

· View your account activity, namely withdraws and deposits.

· Check your account balance

· Invest

· Check how your investments are faring

These screens are subject to change.

The issued tokens come with an “obligation to deliver” for Cross Hedge, namely to develop peer-to-peer distributed investment services and a wealth-management mobile application. CROSS tokens will be issued on the Stellar network. The token can be consulted and bought on the stellarX platform: 10% of

The ICO is starting today, October 10th 2018

As opposed to classic ICOs on Ethereum, there already exists an exchange market called Stellar X where we can trade Cross tokens. No need to wait 3 to 6 months before being listed on an unknown market.

We don’t want our token to drop in price like many other ICOs and that’s why Cross Hedge chose to at least stabilize the price and offer liquidity.

For now, our token will be available during an undetermined period as we want to focus solely on our product. Investors will still be able to trade the token on Stellar X if they wish to. We don’t have any plans to do an airdrop or a bounty program as we feel it might drop the value of the token, thus making it less attractive for our clients.

Our main team is based in Paris with advisors around the world:

Read our white paper here

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Cross Hedge

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