Cross Hedge
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Cross Token listed on StellarX market place

We are very excited to announce to you that our Cross Token is available on the brand-new Stellar market place: StellarX. You can now get and trade our Cross easily with no fee through this “free, flexible, and functional” platform in which we believe in.

Don’t be shy… Give it a try!

To us, StellarX is the future of market place: it is user-friendly, fast, free, transparent, open and universal. These are values that we stick to and make up the core of our project.

In a nutshell, StellarX allows you to trade all asset class: crypto, fiat, bonds, commodities… in seconds without any transaction fees. They don’t use your capital to function unlike all other current exchange platforms and that’s a huge difference. Stellar refunds your network fees and returns its automatic 1% APR inflation to its users.

Also, StellarX is built on Stellar’s universal order book. Trades happen directly between traders. No middlemen, no miners. You trade from your own wallet and keep total control of your keys. Transparency is the key word for both traders and issuers.

A springboard for us

Our ICO hasn’t even started yet but we’re already listed on an exchange. What a good thing! It takes us a step beyond, and will give us more visibility, credibility and of course liquidity. It is now easier for you to get our tokens and trade them.

By the way, our private sale is still open… What a good occasion to test the platform by getting some Cross (special price of 1 CROSS = USD 0,15 until October 9th)!

As you may know (if not…there is still time to check out our project on, we’re betting on the Stellar blockchain to build our ICO and project because of both their technology and values.

After reading the latest StellarX blog post (, we couldn’t ignore this special part: “The “X” in StellarX might seem like a nod to “exchange”, but we see it as the algebraic x. Anything. Anyone. Anywhere.” Interestingly enough, it mirrors Cross Hedge’s logo which is a simple “X” as well as our project: making high quality and accessible investment services to anyone from anywhere. It matches.

Today, we are more than convinced that we’re heading in the right direction… Will you join us on our journey?

Cross Hedge

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