The path to taking back the House runs through California

The Blue Wave starts in California.

4 min readOct 11, 2018


Democrats need to win 23 seats this upcoming Election Day to take back the House — no small feat.

And with the recent appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, it’s more important than ever that there’s a check on the Trump Administration in Congress.

Enter Zach Blume and Juan Carlos Sanchez. The pair met as organizers on their first campaign in 2006, working to flip California’s 45th congressional district blue. Today, the district is still blue.

But nine of the nation’s key swing districts are red districts in California, and they’re represented by a who’s who of Trump rubber stampers — Reps. Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher, Duncan Hunter and more. That’s why Blume and Sanchez have decided to come back to politics and lead the effort to Swing California Blue.

With Crowdpac, their campaign is raising money for nine California candidates that could unseat Trump’s closest allies and ultimately take back the House in November.

Learn more about the candidates who could swing California — and Congress — blue:

Josh Harder (CA-10):

Josh was tired of sitting on the sidelines. He’s a 30-year-old political newcomer who has made immigration reform a top priority, while his opponent, Republican Jeff Denham, supports Trump’s border wall.

TJ Cox (CA-21):

TJ’s a farmer and water conservationist who knows water is important to the Central Valley and worked to create dams and conveyance systems for the 21st District’s residents.

Andrew Janz (CA-22):

Andrew is a Deputy District Attorney challenging Devin Nunes, one of Trump’s strongest allies. He’s not accepting any corporate money and is tired of Washington forgetting about the Central Valley.

Katie Hill (CA- 25):

Katie, who identifies as bisexual, could make history as being one of the few openly LGBTQ+ people in Congress. She’s running against incumbent Steve Knight, who consistently promotes legislation to reduce equal rights and opposed California’s ban on gay “cure” therapy.

Gil Cisneros (CA-39):

Gil has been a vocal critic against Trump and his anti-immigrant agenda. He’s a veteran and education advocate who, after purchasing a winning lottery ticket, invested in the city of Pico Rivera with the goal of putting a college degree in every Latino household of the city.

Katie Porter (CA- 45):

Katie is a law professor and was the leading consumer advocate to hold Wall Street accountable for ripping off California consumers and homeowners during the financial crisis. She’s running against one of the most vulnerable Republican incumbents in the country, Mimi Walters.

Harley Rouda (CA-48):

Harley’s a former Republican who was fed up with the Trump administration. He’s the Democrats’ best chance in three decades to unseat 15-term Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who is known for his denial of climate change and support for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Mike Levin (CA-49):

Mike is an environmental attorney who has dedicated his career to clean energy, fighting at both the state and federal levels. Orange County voted for Hillary in 2016 — the first Democrat to win the county since FDR.

Ammar Campa-Najjar (CA-50):

Ammar is a former Obama White House staffer and Labor Department official. He’s running against indicted Republican incumbent Duncan Hunter, whose campaign has repeatedly used racist and false attack ads attempting to tie Ammar to terrorism.

