Total Political Control, That’s The End Game

2 min readMar 9, 2021


The 3 percent that control the money in politics is only getting stronger and more exclusive. Crowdpac is your chance to change the outcome of the race.

Donald Trump’s announcement this week that he is centralizing all of the fundraising tied to his image and likeness,
boxing out the traditional fundraising mechanisms like the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the National Republican Senate Committee sends a chilling message to the American electorate. By centralizing all of these dollars into a Super PAC with few monetary controls to be used at Trump’s discretion means more centralized power in the hands of fewer people than existed before. It now becomes a monetary silo controlled by one.

“There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts to elect America First Republican conservatives, and in turn to make America great again, and that’s through Save America PAC and,” Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week in what was his first public appearance since leaving the White House. During the speech he also talked about the need to “get rid” of the “the RINOs that we are surrounding with” that “will destroy the Republican Party and the American worker,” using the acronym for “Republicans in name only.”

This hyper exclusive trend in politics that exists on each side of the aisle through Super PACS like Winred and Actblue has taken a dangerous turn with this new Save America Pac. The “my way or the highway” direction of this move will polarize American Politics even more than it already has, possibly causing a Republican Civil War.

On the left Actblue is the Super PAC of choice which also centralizes power in the hands of the Democratic National Committee and its surrogates. Both sides are guilty of having “the few” control the resources of the the 3 percent that on average donate annually and channeling funds into a less Democratic process of distribution. The small donor and coalition builder is getting squeezed.

Crowdpac’s mission statement is to give ordinary Americans more control over their politics. We give you tools to make your voices heard beyond screaming into the abyss of social media networks. We also allow you to purposefully make donations around the Actblue and Winred’s of the world at a cheaper price point.

Crowdpac tools give you back your political destiny and allow you to widely distribute your narrative using free text, email and Crowdpac Share. So start a petition, write a blog, found a campaign and get involved because the current path for parity is getting narrower and narrower.

