VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS: This is why you’re not getting clients

Yolanda Crowley
2 min readOct 13, 2017


I see it everyday in online groups.

Someone will post, “I’m looking for a VA. Please email me at _____”.

Many will respond that they’ve emailed. And there will be many that make the comment, “I’m interested! Here’s my Facebook page!”

If you don’t follow directions, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

You’re losing out on leads and potential revenue. That’s why you’re not getting clients — because you can’t follow directions.

Imagine this: your client provides you detailed instructions on uploading her latest blog post. She’s included SEO to use, keywords, and the specific date and time she wants it scheduled to go live.

You skim over the instructions, upload the blog, and immediately hit PUBLISH.

If you had read and followed the instructions, you would have seen she wrote about an upcoming sale that starts the following week. Hence, why she wanted a specific date for it to be sent out. The client is now receiving emails wanting her product for the sale price.

(By the way, that’s a true story. The VA was let go the next day)

If you can’t follow directions in the initial job post, why should any client be able to trust you?

It’s not hard. Just slow down, follow directions, and you’ll start to get responses.

