Jessica Uzoma
4 min readJul 9, 2018


Over the years, the gaming industry has proven to be not only a fast growing industry with huge market size, but also the one actively embracing new qtechnologies. In 2017, the global games market (software) revenue reached $116
billion, which is more than three times the $38.6 billion in movie ticket sales.Despite this exponential growth, the gaming industry has been experiencing a lot of difficulties.
Payment has been a challenge for game developers. When they release a game targeting global users, they have to integrate the payment methods of local markets
respectively. Although big distribution platforms (i.e. Apple Store) support multiple currencies, some local distribution platforms only support local currencies, this makes developers have to find local partners for currency exchange
by themselves. To top it all, centralized distribution platforms nowadays delay payments to developers for as long as 60 days and execute payments on specific
days of the month. This makes is difficult for developers to manage their cash flow. Asides that, another issue developers face is the increasing marketing costs of
pushing their games to the end users. Generating awareness and promoting their games to potential players now cost developers a contribution of 30% of their
revenue to centralized distribution platforms, as well as spending more time and money in finding effective ad networks to reach their target users. By utilizing blockchain technologies, especially Ethereum, EON seeks to tackle these game distribution challenges.
EON platform is a digital game distribution platform powered by blockchain technologies, where gamers can discover and play games, as well as socialize with other games. It offers a decentralized ecosystem platform which would restructurethe gaming industry, making it more efficient and globally accessible.

The EON solutions are discussed as follows:
Global Accessibility: With the use of the Ethereum, which the EON would be originally built on, there would be no need for developers to integrate local payments anymore since the cryptocurrency has handled it all. They can now easily receive payments and exchange for flat currency via the EON platform. Also, since Ethereum is a shared global infrastructure, players around the world would be able to access the EON platform easily.

Easy Promotions: The Ethereum provides a superb platform that allows applications to run smoothly without any possibility of downtime, fraud or third-party interference. This makes it easier for developers to calculate their conversion rate and ROI, which in turn reduces their marketing cost, generating more earnings.

Referral System: This development is known as the new user acquisition system. Gamers can use this system to refer new users to the platform with their unique smart contract stored on blockchain and these referrals earn them EON tokens. All referrals are recorded on blockchain and are transparent to everyone, making traffic exchange more efficient.

Game Discovery System: This system enables users to discover and purchase games of their interest with ease of payment via the EON platform.

Game Community: This is a unique way for users to put up their profiles
displaying their information and gaming achievements. It also allows users to interact with one another on the EON platform making it more fun and social.

Developer System: This system allows developers to submit or manage their games for updates, as well as configure referral smart contracts for users. They can
set rewards based on different actions in the game depending on their user acquisition needs which are all recorded on blockchain.

Token Details:
Token Name: EON
Platform: Ethereum
Accepts: ETH
Softcap: 10,000ETH
Hardcap: 30,000ETH
ICO Price: 1ETH= 21,000EON


The Team

EON Partnerships

For more information about EON project, click of the links below.








Writer: Cryptoqueenkim

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