Why & How to Fake Your Own ‘Career Death’

5 Steps to Manifest Your “Firing” to Leave the Corporate World & Never Return….

Crucible 84
9 min readSep 26, 2023
Photo by Ravi Kumar on Unsplash

This article is written for the souls who know they have a bigger purpose in this lifetime. The souls who are chronic overachievers, naturally “street-smart” intelects, the black sheep of the family and the souls who never go hungry but always left unsatisfied 1%-ers.

This article isn’t about deception, negativity or low vibration activities in order to ‘Fake your own career death’ and/or any other ‘get rich quick scheme’ article you’ve read from others.

This article is about empowering the rejected, inspiring the confused, validating the believers and providing strength to the sufferers.

This article isn’t about hope. This article is about strategy, decisiveness, precision and always knowing your next move. Hope is NOT a strategy.

I’ve recently ‘faked my own career death’, which led to my previous employer “eliminating my position” as a Sales VP. And just for the record, when I say they “eliminated my position”, that’s just a fancy phrase HR uses when they don’t have enough ‘cause’ to fire you, but they definitely don’t want you working there anymore.

Below are the basic 5 steps I used to ‘manifest my firing’, which was the most financially beneficial strategy for me to leave the corporate world after 20 years & never have to return. But first I’d like to focus on the ‘why’ I had to go this route vs just quitting/leaving on my own….

My Why:

The simple answer here is because it was the most financially conscious decision I could make, which would strategically place my family & I in the best position to be successful post my departure. The purpose of leaving isn’t to burn bridges, piss in your boss’s coffee and/or somehow make a big scene as you exit. It’s actually the complete opposite.

I was physically & spiritually in alignment with the company and most employees when I started working there, and wasn’t towards the end, but that’s because I was changing & not the company. I only have love in my heart for every person there, which includes the friends I still call friends, the reps I used to manage, my peers I used to break-bread with, and even my old boss who orchestrated my inevitable exit. I love you all and always will.

Now Cinderella, let’s get you ready for the ball….

Step #1: Make the decision to leave with your heart VS your mind.

The four steps after this have zero value if you skip, hesitate and/or half-ass this step, so let me add some color to this step. The Universe & your HigherSelf know the difference between your wants, needs, desires, infatuations and what you’re willing to sacrifice everything for.

I wrote myself and the Universe a letter with extreme detail and didn’t hold anything back. That was an emotional night filled with anger, joy, sadness, optimism and ugly crying. Your heart and the Universe have their own special language, and when those two speak the entire galaxy listens & responds unlike anything we could ever comprehend with our human minds.

Making this decision with your heart VS using our mind reminds me of the character ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’(Johnny Depp) in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. His compass only points to where his heart desires regardless of how much his mind tries to intervene with his mind.

Unfortunately for Jack he’s a raging alcoholic, but the lesson is the same here.

What does your heart say when you ask it what you really want?

Step #2: Establish a timeline and/or an exit date that cannot be pushed out.

One thing to consider with this one- the Universe doesn’t give a Sh@t about our timelines, so be aware it can forcibly remove you from any situation once you’ve moved past Step #1.

I gave myself a two year window/timeline and my clock started January 2022, but as I went along I tried to push that out until April 2024. I assumed the Universe knew how much more convenient it would be for me with the new date. I was wrong.

I had my call with HR in the middle of June 2023, which ended my future with that company about 6 months earlier than my original plan.

The importance of this step has more influence than just the date itself. This step will test your faith in the process because most of us will never be fully ready to leave their current spot and/or comfort zone. If given the choice, I would have stayed another 6 months, but fortunately the Universe removed that option from the menu.

I will leave my current job when….(fill in the blank here with the million reasons/lies we tell ourselves). No you won’t, because if that were true, you would have already left.

Stop putting prerequisites in front of your dreams, stop moving the goalposts and start understanding that you are the writer, director, star character and the audience of your own movie we call “life”.

Step #3: Start the “inner work”.

Someone famous once said, “Before you can know where you’re going you must know who you are.” I’m paraphrasing, but this is a monumental step within this process, and a step that looks much different for each person.

Prior to a year ago I had no idea what the “inner work” was. I had been told by a few women in the past that “I needed help and should probably focus on my childhood trauma”, but again, I had no idea of what this actually meant or was supposed to help with.

I’ve always been the outcast in my family and at work, which eventually will eat you from the inside-out if you don’t address it. Amongst my peers and within my previous industry I was a closet raver, had a full sleeve tattoo, didn’t drink alcohol and couldn’t/wouldn’t conform to the survivor-mode mentality everyone else flocked to.

I knew I was different from everyone around me, but I’d never met anyone like me either, so I also had a mini identity-crisis going on at the same time. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Heidi Sawyer helped me understand how my sensitivity is my greatest asset, and is currently helping me create my life & myself, which is in 100% alignment with my HigherSelf and my higher-purpose.

There are many other options out there, and a person can do it alone if you choose, but….

All roads lead to the inside, and the more you fight this concept and continue to look externally to find yourself, the more you delay the inevitable. I regularly say, “All roads eventually lead to Heidi”, but that’s because I’ve never found anything remotely close to her process, and believe me I have scoured all four corners of the internet, lol!

Last thing on this step: Don’t get hung-up on the process or any outcomes associated with this step. It’s incredibly easy to overcomplicate this, which is really your subconscious programming getting in the way. I didn’t know what I was looking for when I found Heidi, but I definitely knew I was at the right place when I did. You will too!

If you’re stuck, I will help you, and NO I’m not going to ask you for money. Trust your HigherSelf.

Step #4: Align your finances/resources accordingly.

This is the least important step out of all five, but the majority of folks would put this as #1 on the list of importance, which is expected. Fear is the complete opposite of Love, and we’re programmed to believe money & abundance isn’t achievable when you mix-it with spirituality.

Nothing could be further from the truth, but aligning your finances for the road ahead is necessary to avoid mis-jugement traps along the way. Here’s what I did….

With the understanding of step #2 and how it could come sooner, I started focusing on eliminating all debt I could afford. Credit cards and vehicles were my primary, but mortgages & student loans could be too large for some to completely eliminate. Start small.

I was also in sales, which provided me with quarterly bonuses on top of my salary, which I began allocating to expenses aligned to my higher purpose. I also had equity in my previous company, which was a big factor in my financial alignment.

I didn’t tighten-up my spending, but I did start paying extremely close attention to “all of my irons in the fire”, which allowed me to make the best financial decisions at the time for long-term success.

Invest in the resources/tools/equipment in alignment with your higher purpose prior to leaving as much as you can to avoid any financial restraints afterwards.

Example: It was a much easier conversation to have with my wife after I explained our financial situation & future costs before I told her NOT to expect any income from my new adventure until 2025.

Get your money right for you and/or anyone else who’s depending on you.

Step #5: Surrender to the process.

Although this is the last step in the process, this is a step that shows itself within each step by itself. The old saying, “Let Go & Let God” is applicable here, but not in that exact way.

We are not in control of what we think we are, therefore, we must release the idea we are and release any attachments to the outcomes we prefer. Stop fighting it and “go with the flow”.

The biggest surrender moment for me: I had to accept the fact that all of my friends, family and especially co-workers were going to think of me completely differently VS what I thought of myself. You are going to create a different version of yourself and it’s a process, so throughout that process you will look different to every person at each step.

I kept fighting this over and over until I literally screamed up-to the heavens, “Alright, I surrender!!!! You win!”

My surrender opened-up the door I didn’t know was bolted shut & double-locked. The outside of that door was labeled “My voice”, and once it swung-opened there was absolutely NO turning back now.

Example: Months prior to my exit I began vocalizing my issues with the decisions influencing the strategy & direction my boss was making. I stopped making decisions based on fear & scarcity, and had switched my mind from a “survival” mindset into an “infinite” mindset.

On the outside & to my peers this looked like, “I’m getting too big for my britches” and I assumed my boss took this as complete insubordination, which had to be addressed. From my perspective this was an extremely calculated move and intentional.

My boss is a Life Code #3 who has an innate capability to perform extreme balancing acts while tightrope walking along the game of big-business. She’s the best boss I’d ever had and my infinite love for her will never waiver.

I had to slowly chip-away at her subconscious in a way I knew would lead to her firing me.

The final month of my tenure was when I decided to really drive the last nail in my career death coffin. It was a management retreat in Arizona where we had been before, but I had prepared for my voice to be heard much differently than the dozens of retreats in years past.

I was going to show my peers & boss my full sleeve tattoo, which on paper sounds insignificant.

To me it was the scariest & most liberating thing I had ever done in this lifetime. I had completely surrendered to the Universe and began walking in my own Truth VS someone else.

The uncomfortable silence when I walked into the room, quick head-nods the other direction, and the distant murmurs didn’t go unnoticed by me, but they did hurt. You see, it wasn’t the fact that I had tattoos, but more of the fact these people thought they knew me, but now they 100% do not know who this version is. And this scares the hell out of them!

All my boss had to do at that time was be herself, which is exactly what I wanted. “One of these things is not the same”, and once that is removed, harmony & balance will be restored within her subconscious.


The old saying, “chess not checkers” is applicable here when a person is trying to exit this matrix with grace & a few dollars in their bank account. Everyone will have a different experience based upon his or her preparation & strategy execution, but here’s the absolute TRUTH of the situation….

Everyone will go through this process either this lifetime or another, so be intentional with what’s in alignment with your HigherSelf & Higher-Purpose. That “can” you’re kicking down the road are your dreams….

The dream is free; The hustle is sold separately — Pauline Nguyen

Step #1: Make the decision to leave with your heart VS your mind.

Step #2: Establish a timeline and/or an exit date that cannot be pushed out.

Step #3: Start the “inner work”.

Step #4: Align your finances/resources accordingly.

Step #5: Surrender to the process.

Think about it. Try it out. And let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading!

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Crucible 84

Intuitive Sensitive & Spiritual entrepreneur. Former +20 years Sales VP.