Avoiding death is real?

Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

Chuck Palahniuk once wrote:

“The first step to eternal life is you have to die”

We could argue with this statement, because it is precisely our project that as a result of its work may provide you with not eternal, but nevertheless much more extended life. Those boundaries that used to determine the cycle of our life are now being blurred as never before. The old essential biblical death is no longer needed, it becomes our enemy. Modern science and humanity seek to avoid, deceive or postpone this enemy.

The biological causes of natural death are simple and understandable — we grow old, get sick and eventually break down. It is impossible to deceive time. Or possible? If you discard all contradictions and open your eyes wider, you may discover that the way to trick time already exists.

It works and is already in use — about a thousand people around the world are interested in cryopreservation and have signed a contract with one of such companies (we recently wrote about them). Nothing supernatural, only technologies and a desire to overcome one of the most terrible and inevitable enemies of our time — death. Humans discovered a way to cryopreserve their bodies and even vital organs.

Now we are learning to do a freeze-thaw process, which will provide a possibility to wake up and, with the help of scientific technology, to stop or slow down aging or even cure a deadly disease — you may agree, it sounds fantastic. However, two or three hundred years ago the idea of cryonizing a person for years and centuries was fantastic.

Today this is a reality, and tomorrow the reversible cryopreservation will become reality. You can simply watch the progress from outside or become a part of the future, in which a person will not be afraid to lose or leave loved ones.

The CryoGen project has already begun to work on such a future. On the basis of CryoRus company, which has been engaged in cryonics for ten years, the project is aimed at a global study of aging, reverse cryopreservation and the construction of relevant facilities in Switzerland and Russia.

Yesterday you could only dream of waking up in 100 or 200 years. Today you can participate in the project and wake up in 100 or 200 years for real. Do not waste time while it is still precious. Make a contribution to the future, where death will not be so inevitable. You can read more about the project and become a part of the future.

