Father of cryogenically frozen girl: ‘She died without me being able to see her’ — exclusive first interview

4 min readFeb 1, 2018


The 14-year-old girl was cryogenically frozen after her death from cancer (file photo)

The father of a 14-year-old girl cryogenically frozen after she died of cancer has spoken of his profound sadness that he was prevented by a judge from saying goodbye to her.

Mr S, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is also suffering from cancer, and spent months in the same hospital as his daughter, JS, without ever being told she was there.

Speaking for the first time since his daughter’s death, he told The Telegraph he blamed his ex-wife for preventing him from even seeing his daughter’s body before work began to embalm and freeze it.

Other family members suggested JS had been “brainwashed” into thinking she could cheat death by signing up with the US-based Cryonics Institute, which is now storing her body in liquid nitrogen after she became convinced she could be cured and brought back to life in the future.

JS died in a London hospital on October 17 and was immediately prepared for freezing by volunteers from Cryonics UK, the only British organisation working in the unregulated field of cryo-preservation.

Her estranged father had been opposed to the process, but JS won the right to be frozen after a judge in the Family Division of the High Court awarded sole responsibility for her post-mortem arrangements to her mother, who supported her wishes. The judge also refused Mr S permission to view his daughter’s body because it was against JS’s wishes.

He told The Daily Telegraph: “Last time I saw her was in 2007. The reason for this is purely her mother’s doing — she said no way, full stop. She has caused this sadness between me and my daughter and she died in the end without me being able to see her. It’s so sad she didn’t let me have any sight of her.”

Mr Justice Peter Jackson, who granted JS’s wish in a court hearing 11 days before she died, said she had been the centre of “a tragic combination of childhood illness and family conflict”, and her father revealed just how bitter and destructive the family rift had been.

He and JS’s mother separated in 2002, when their daughter was just a few months old. He estimated that he had been to court 10 times to ask for the right to see her, and despite managing some contact with his daughter in 2005–06, his last face to face contact with her was when she was six.

He said: “My daughter didn’t even know all the court case procedures that I have been so desperately trying to see her. I am so sad about it.

“We have came to the end of the road after my child passed away, what is there left to say? It’s all ended, it’s finished. Unfortunately it has ended this way.”

A paternal uncle of JS said: “I loved JS and I wanted to help her when she was ill. But her mother wouldn’t let us get a second opinion or a private doctor to advise on this.

“Only once I talked to JS on the phone. She said ‘I’m dying but I’m going to come back again in 200 years’. And then she asked me for £50,000. I said, ‘Look, I don’t know how they brainwashed you but this is impossible. If you find a professor in hospital who supports this theory then I will go out and find the money for you’.

“But these companies are hope-traders. They are just trying to get money off people. Who is going to come back in 200 years? Please tell me? They trade in hope and brainwash people on the internet.

“I talked to doctors and professors and scientists and no one thinks it’s possible. None of my family on this side supported this process. We wanted JS to have a grave in the earth so we could visit her and pay our respects.”

The £37,000 cost of JS’s cryo-preservation was raised by her maternal grandparents, but a cousin of her mother said there had been misgivings on that side of the family as well.

The cousin said: “She wouldn’t let any of the family see JS. I know about her body being frozen. It’s her choice, she wanted to do it and her mum made it happen.

“JS’s father didn’t know anything at first — the mother wouldn’t tell anyone. It was her mum who was driving it. It’s not going to work — this cryo thing must be impossible.

“To me, the mum had a problem. They had a bad divorce. She made life hard for JS’s father. You know, he was ill and he ended up in the same hospital as JS. He was on a different floor from her for months and he was never told his daughter was so near.

“And then when he heard about the freezing, JS’s mum wouldn’t let him anywhere near her.”

A solicitor representing JS’s mother said she did not want to comment.

By Lexi Finnigan and Gordon Rayner, chief reporter of Telegraph.

Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/18/father-of-cryogenically-frozen-girl-she-died-without-me-being-ab/

