[Important] For Users Playing Gran Ton Rismo with a Twitter Account

Hello Crypton owners! We will be stopping our Twitter login system for use with our racing game [Gran Ton Rismo]. We decided to do this to on the grounds of security regarding our users’ cryptocurrencies, as well as to help prevent fraudulent use of crypto wallets.

Though users will be unable to play Gran Ton Rismo, users may still login and access the Crypt-Oink Markets using a Twitter account. Due to this change, we will be providing additional assistance to Twitter users so please check below for further info.

General Info
Planned Update Release: Friday, April 19th, 2019 at 07:00 UTC
Effected Users:

  1. Users who, as of April 12th, 2019, played Gran Ton Rismo with a Twitter account and owns Crypton.
  2. Users who played Gran Ton Rismo with a Twitter account and owns the following items: Coink (Premium and Free), Any In-Game Items, or Extra Gym Memberships

User Assistance
We are providing the below assistance to users who have previously been using a Twitter account:

  1. We will be providing GAS compensation (ETH) to users who desire to move their Crypton from their Twitter wallet to a new crypto wallet.

Limited to the number of Crypton a user held as of 2019/04/12 05:00 UTC.

  1. We will be providing in-game item recovery for users switching from a Twitter account. The following items will be awarded to users’ new accounts:
    a. Coink (Premium and Free)
    b. Any In-Game Items
    c. Extra Gym Memberships

The above compensated items will be distributed in accordance with how much of each respective item was held by the account holder as of 2019/04/19 06:00 UTC.

Other Info

  • For users desiring the above in-game item assistance, we will be contacting your Twitter account via a direct message after April 19th, 2019, 07:00 UTC.
  • For users who have not played Gran ton Rismo but still seek to transfer their Crypton to a new wallet, we will be providing GAS compensation.
  • Please understand that it may take some time to complete the above assistance.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this login change may have caused.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy racing!

The Crypton Team



Crypt-Oink Racing Friends(くりぷ豚レーシングフレンズ)

『Cryptons』are supperr cute collectible, breedable pigs that exists within the Ethereum universe.