5 min readSep 13, 2018

A simple guide on voting for UIP2 using Escher governance.

If you just read about the UIP2 and want to vote, feel free to follow this guide for reference. If you are reading this for the first time head over to Ubiq Improvement Proposal 2 and familiarize yourself with the decision facing the Ubiq community in this proposal.

Below is the UIP2 proposal page which we will use for this guide along with a link to discussion on Github. The voting will start on block 588,800 and run through to block 602,800, for a voting time of approximately 2 weeks.

The red arrow highlights the Fusion instruction panel.

Ensure your Fusion wallet is open and synced, click the contracts icon.

Copy the contract address to your clipboard.

In your Fusion wallet open the watch contract tab.

Enter your contract address using “Ctrl V”

Copy the contract name and continue to enter the required fields using the copy and paste functions.

The JSON interface can be copied quickly using the green tab on the right.

You will now see the UIP2 contract in the Fusion contract page. Click on it!

Scroll down to the function selection tab and pick vote.

Your options are found on the UIP2 proposal page. In this case they are numbered 1 -5 and have a brief description.

For demonstration purpose option 1 was selected in this vote. Press execute.

Enter your password. Probably a good time to review your password security and backups. Something I like to do on a regular basis.

Make sure you have a few Ubiq in your wallet to cover the recommended gas limit of 100k gwei.

You can check back after a few blocks have passed and see your transaction on that same proposal page.

Congratulations you just completed your vote in the Ubiq UIP2 proposal!

Now for our frens using Pyrus. Make sure you are on the correct website and click the contracts tab.

Enter your contract address and JSON interface in the required fields and press execute.

Under the Read/Write contract tab select vote.

Enter your desired vote candidate number found on the proposal page. At this point you can select your desired method of accessing your Ubiq accounts.

For this demonstration we will use the Keystore file. Enter your password and take a moment to review your password security and backups. Press unlock before you press the write tab.

Ok now you can press it… feels good right. lol

As with Fusion, a moment to think about your transaction before you generate it.

One last check just to make sure you are using the proper account and want to vote the way you selected before your final confirmation.

You will see a confirmation banner in green pop up on your main Pyrus page after the transaction is complete.

Congratulations you can now kick back for a few blocks and view the transaction on that same proposal page.

Thanks for the interest in the UIP2 NDF proposal!

If you want to chat further visit our Discord and be sure to follow the new Twitter community account which highlights some of the excellent work happening within the Ubiq platform.

Hope you enjoyed the guide, tips are donated to cyptanthropy.com


Founder of cryptanthropy.com transparent #RandomActsOfKindness on a blockchain.