3 min readDec 14, 2018

Ubiq Wallet and Fusion 0.10.0

A new version of Fusion has been released as well as the first release of Ubiq Wallet Some Windows users have had issues with Windows Defender not properly auto-upgrading Gubiq so this is the first version which bundles Gubiq 2.0.1 on install!

A simple walk through for updated Windows Fusion to version 0.10.0

Upon launching Fusion note the update to the new version.

Click to navigate to the Github download page and select Fusion-installer-0.10.0.exe

Close any running instances of Fusion and open the downloaded file upon completion.

Accept that windows has you covered, click more info and allow the program to run.

After the download and accepting the licence agreement you can then run Fusion 0.10.0 and everything should be right where you left it!

If you need help please visit the Ubiq Discord and ask: https://discord.gg/cmCFVeB

You might have heard there is a new wallet out today 12/14/2018 called Ubiq Wallet, check it out.

Ubiq Wallet

With this release we are adding Ubiq Wallet binaries as an option for users. Ubiq Wallet uses the same code as Fusion, without the browser functionality, and with the wallet-dapp built in instead of connecting to the hosted version provided by ubiqsmart.com. For most users we recommend Ubiq Wallet as it has a smaller potential attack surface. If interacting with dapps then Fusion may be a better option, otherwise Ubiq Wallet does everything you will need.

Here is a link to that set up: https://medium.com/@CryptOptimus/ubiq-wallet-and-fusion-0-10-0-ed95087ffec9

Hope this guide made setup a bit easier, make sure you check your wallet backups and plan for safe key storage.


Founder of cryptanthropy.com transparent #RandomActsOfKindness on a blockchain.