RDBMS Basics: SQL Database Fundamentals

Nick Mertens
2 min readFeb 14, 2019


Let’s talk about RDBMS basics. If you’ve ever dipped your toes in the warm but deep waters of programming, then you’ve probably wanted to store data at some point or another. Whether it’s user data, scientific results or anything else that makes your program dynamic. SQL is one of the most popular tools to do exactly that. It has been around for decades, yet it is still used today to manage databases of different sizes with great success.

SQL can be scary stuff. Photo by Sheldon Nunes on Unsplash.

It may seem daunting, but hopefully, we will be able to answer some of your biggest questions here. Let’s dive right in!

What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is generally pronounced as “sequel”. It’s a language used to manage databases and offers features to create, read, update and delete data in a way that makes it easy to make connections or relationships between different bits of data.

There are multiple versions of the SQL language, each with slight differences in features and syntax. However, they all support most of the major features and commands. Even if you learn one version, your knowledge should transfer fairly easily to any of the others. The most popular at the moment are Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

This article was originally posted on GoSkills. To read the rest of the article, check it out here :)



Nick Mertens

Full stack developer. UX and illustration enthusiast. Game dev hobbyist.