The Role of NFTs in the Crypto Pirates Metaverse

Crypto Pirates
3 min readJun 14, 2022



By defeating monsters and other pirates, a player accumulates trophies.

Depending on a player’s rank in the accumulated trophies leaderboard, at the end of the game day (23:59 CET) the player receives a certain amount of Piastr (PST) tokens.

Token withdrawal fees

There is a token withdrawal fee in the game. NFT installation reduces these fees.

  • Players can withdraw Piastrs from their in-game wallet to an external wallet (Metamask, etc)
  • When a player receives Piastrs to the in-game wallet, the basic fee amount for withdrawing these Piastrs will be 60%
  • With every day passed the fee is reduced by 5% of the initial amount of Piastrs. After 12 days, these Piastrs can be withdrawn with no fee
  • The fee cannot be lower than 0
  • If the player has an NFT installed, then the starting fee depends on the best grade among the installed NFTs. Basic fee amounts for each grade are as follows:

Common: 50%

10 days before no withdrawal fee

Rare: 35%

7 days before no withdrawal fee

Unique: 25%

5 days before no withdrawal fee

Epic: 15%

3 days before no withdrawal fee

Legendary: 10%

2 days before no withdrawal fee


Crypto Pirates currently minted NFTs are meant to improve the stats of a ship. At the moment, a player can have up to 10 ship-related NFTs installed on their account.

There are eight stats in the game:

  • HP— Hit points (Ship’s health)
  • Defense — Protection
  • Absorb — The maximum value of absorption of received damage per turn
  • Attack — Ship’s damage
  • Accuracy — Ship’s accuracy
  • Maneuverability — Ship’s maneuverability
  • Speed ​— Ship’s speed
  • Hold — The maximum amount of resources that the ship can carry
  • Inventory — The number of slots in which artifacts can be placed

These stats affect a ship’s survivability, the speed of killing monsters and how far the ship can ultimately sail. The farther the ship sails, the more piastrs it can earn.

NFTs affect stats depending on their grade

* the indicated numbers are not final and subject to change

However, these stats are in-game and may change during the balancing process. But don’t worry, in such cases the added characteristics will be recalculated as a percentage.

On average, players with NFTs increase their income depending on the grade:

  • Common: by 15%
  • Rare: by 25%
  • Unique: by 40%
  • Epic: by 60%
  • Legendary: by 85%


The player has an inventory. All artifacts acquired in the game are automatically added to it. However, the number of artifacts that can be held is limited.

With the help of artifacts, the player can instantly restore the health and armor of the ship, move a certain distance, or summon a boss.

NFTs add additional slots to the base inventory. The number of added slots also depends on the NFT grade.

Ship Visuals

NFT installation on a ship changes its visuals. At the moment, there are 11 ship skins in the game, which are assigned to certain ship levels.

Each NFT, regardless of the grade, increases ship level by 1. In the future, we are planning to add the possibility to select the visual of the ship by the user.



Crypto Pirates

🪐Crypto Pirates is a p2e idle game about pirates looking for a grand adventure in the endless expanses of space.