Configuring a SAGA Coin Masternode

Crypto Coins
7 min readSep 20, 2018


- Windows & Linux (Cold Wallet) Setup

This guide covers the Start to End Process for the configuration of a Saga Masternode, including the configuration of a Ubuntu Linux VPS hosted in Vultr.

Credit to ParanoidTruth,
This guide has been based on your work;

This Guide will cover the following Steps in order to Setup and Configure a Saga Masternode VPS with a Windows Cold Wallet;

  1. Part1- Deploying a Linux VPS Server — Hosted on Vultr
  2. Part2- Installing a Windows Saga Wallet — Including Configuration
  3. Part3- Configuring the Linux Server
  4. Part4- Installation of the Saga Masternode

Part1- Deploying a Linux VPS Server — Hosted on Vultr

Vultr will provide us with the VPS (Virtual Private Server) that will host the masternode.

  1. Click this link to create a Vultr account.
    You will require a valid email address to sign up.

2. Once you have entered in all your details, select the large Blue Plus to Deploy a New Server

3. Choose your “Server Location”, it would be best practise to choose a geographical location that is close to you, this will provide you with a good connection speed to the VPS server.

4. Under “Server Type”
Select 64Bit OS
Select Ubuntu 16.04

5. Under “Server Size”,
Select the VPS Option: 25 GB SSD/1CPU/1024MB Memory/1000GB Bandwidth.

6. Under “Server Hostname & Label”,
Enter the name SagaMasternode in each field

7. Select “Deploy Now”
This will now create your new Virtual Private Server
This may take a moment to install.
While you are waiting, download the Putty Application here, we will require this later to connect to the VPS.

8. Once the VPS has been installed and deployed, select the Server, and take note of your VPS Server IP Address.

Part2- Installing a Windows Saga Wallet — Including Configuration

Part2 will cover the Installation and Configuration of a Saga Wallet for the masternode collateral on your Local Desktop. Storing the collateral outside of the VPS provides a level of security.

  1. Download the Saga Wallet from the Offical Github;

There are installations for Windows, MAC and Linux

In this example, we will be using the Windows Wallet, the direct link at the time of writing is available here;

2. Once the download has completed, Extract the Files.
Run the SagaCoin-qt_1.2.0.0.exe Application.

3. Once the Wallet has opened, it will begin to Sync
This will take some time.
To speed this process, perform the following steps;

4. Open the Start menu, and type %appdata%\Sagacoin\
Then Press Enter

5. Open the following file in notepad, sagacoin.conf

6. Within the Configuration file, Remove the following lines of Configuration;

At the bottom of the notepad file, add the following configuration;

Press CTRL + S to save the configuration changes.

7. If the Wallet is Open, Close It and Reopen.

Wait for the Wallet to Sync before continuing to Step 8.

8. In the Wallet Application, On the left handside,
Select the Masternodes Button,
Then select the My Masternodes Button
Then Select Create

Enter the Details as follows;

Alias: Masternode1
Address: <IP Address of your Vultr VPS Server>: 48744


Select OK

8. Select Get Config

Take note of the masternodeprivkey string, you will need to enter this in Part4.

9. In the Wallet Application, On the left handside,
Select the Receive Button.
Copy and Take note of the Masternode1 Wallet Address.

You will now be required to send exactly 2500 Saga Coins to this address.
This can be sent from your local wallet address or from the exchange.

You are now ready for Part3.

Part3- Configuring the Linux Server

Using the Putty tool we download earlier, we will now configure the Linux Server.

  1. Open the Putty Application
    Type in the IP Address on your Linux VPS Server into the Host Name text field, then Select the Open Button

2. The Login Credentials for this Server have been auto-generated from Vultr. They can be found within the Server Information Console;

The Username is: root
The Password can be revealed by selecting the icon

3. Once you have successfully logged in;

Type the following, then press Enter;

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Using the arrow keys, scroll all the way to the bottom of the text file and type the following;
tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0

Press Ctrl-X, then select y, then press Enter.

4. To enable additional swap space, type in the following commands, pressing enter at the end of each line;

fallocate -l 3000M /mnt/3000MB.swap
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/3000MB.swap bs=1024 count=3072000
mkswap /mnt/3000MB.swap
swapon /mnt/3000MB.swap
chmod 600 /mnt/3000MB.swap
echo ‘/mnt/3000MB.swap none swap sw 0 0’ >> /etc/fstab

5. To enable the Firewall, type in the following commands, pressing enter at the end of each line;

sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw enable

When prompted, Type yes and press Enter.

6. Create another user which will run the Saga Masternode Software;

Type; adduser saga1, then press enter
Enter in a Secure Password, then press enter
Select Enter 5 Times for the Work/Room/Number prompts

Type the following commands, pressing enter at the end of each line;
usermod -aG sudo saga1
su - saga1
cd ~/

You are now ready for Part4.

Part4- Installation of the Saga Masternode

The completion of Part3 is a prerequisite for this Step.
Credit to Paranoidtruth for the creation of the installation script and instructions.

  1. Download the Saga Masternode Software
    Type the following commands, pressing enter at the end of each line;


sudo chmod +x


You will now be prompted to enter your masternodeprivkey from Part2, once entered, Press Enter to start the installation. This may take some time to run.

2. Once the installation has completed, you will be prompted regarding Firewall rules.
Select y, this will enable the new firewall rules.

3. Type in the following command, then press enter.

cat /home/saga1/.SagaCoin/sagacoin.conf

Copy the following 3 lines from the Linux VPS configuration file. Your configuration details will be different to the content listed below;


4. On your Windows Desktop,
Click the Start Menu, and type the following, then press enter;


At the bottom of this configuration file, paste the 3 lines of configuration copied from the previous step.

Press CTRL + S to save the configuration changes.

5. On your Windows Desktop,
Open the Saga Wallet
Select the Masternodes Button,
Then select the My Masternodes Button
Then Select Start.

6. The Installation is now complete, It will take some time for the Blockchain to download and the Masternodes to Synchronize.

After the Masternode has synchronized, to verify that it is connected, type the following command on your Linux VPS, then press enter;

sagacoind masternode list | grep <IP Address of VPS Server>:48744
eg; sagacoind masternode list | grep

If working the following output will be returned;

<IP Address of VPS Server>:48744 : 1,
eg; : 1,

If this guide has been of help to you, consider a very small donation;

ETH: 0x63d712cac9c95248c707769f640c15aa5e247a74
XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh (Deposit Tag: 101070204)
VET: 0x63d712cac9c95248c707769f640c15aa5e247a74
BCH: 1993NKfUhzV3P6BqN141Gg3z6TK45WB1KE
BTC: 1993NKfUhzV3P6BqN141Gg3z6TK45WB1KE
LTC: LZdCkgB4kff27775rSxDQhF1btVAxnKSH5
SAGA: sbdiXvna5dd3x4J9apXZyZz5MV6Qyz73t7



Crypto Coins

If any of my guides have been of use to you, please consider a very small donation - ETH: 0x63d712cac9c95248c707769f640c15aa5e247a74