CryptoAlpaca: Crypto Game 2.0

2 min readJan 23, 2018


Crypto Game 1.0

CryptoAlpaca is inspired by CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties. As pioneers in crypto games, we find that people will easily get bored with those 1.0 crypto games(CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, and so on). Players have very limited things to do inside those game(purchase, sell, breed and nothing more). Therefore, most players abandon the game after the first day. This happens to all 1.0 crypto games: they build the game on blockchain, but the gameplay is still very simple and weak. A game of weak gameplay cannot attract people to play it for a long time.

Crypto Game 2.0

Our teams behind CryptoAlpaca plans to create the next generation of crypto games: a blockchain-based game with strong gameplay. As a 2.0 crypto game, CryptoAlpaca can not only retain the old players, but also effectively attract new players to join the game, which means that the community of CryptoAlpaca will grow bigger and bigger. When the community grows, the value of whole ecosystem will grow and benefit everyone inside it.

In order to build a 2.0 crypto game, we did tons of discussions and testings, and finally came with the following fruits:

  • A strong gameplay that can make people play for a long time. Also, it is fair to both old users and new users;
  • An infrastructure that can lower the transaction fees of the chain. The transaction fee for most chains is insane right now. After comparing the popular public chains on the market, we plan to have initial release on Ethereum. In the future, we’ll also support other promising chains to grow our community;
  • A herd of alpacas that will make you laugh and have fun;

We’ll start Beta testing for the game recently, please follow us and join our Telegram group to build the Crypto Game 2.0 together!

