CryptoAlpaca — Redpaper (Beta)

7 min readJan 24, 2018


This is a Beta version of the Redpaper, we may modify it during our Beta testing.

The Redpaper here is the same as the Whitepaper in Crypto world. We call it Redpaper because we believe Crypto Game is the killer app of blockchain-based applications and it will be red hot in the next few years. In this Redpaper, you’ll get a detailed introduction of CryptoAlpaca and our design thinkings behind it.

Let’s start with Crypto Game 1.0 and Crypto Game 2.0.

Crypto Game 1.0

CryptoAlpaca is inspired by CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties. As pioneers in crypto games, we find that people will easily get bored with those 1.0 crypto games(CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, and so on). Players have very limited things to do inside those game(purchase, sell, breed and nothing more). Therefore, most players abandon the game after the first day. This happens to all 1.0 crypto games: they build the game on blockchain, but the gameplay is still very simple and weak. A game of weak gameplay cannot attract people to play it for a long time.

Crypto Game 2.0

Our teams behind CryptoAlpaca plans to create the next generation of crypto games: a blockchain-based game with strong gameplay. As a 2.0 crypto game, CryptoAlpaca can not only retain the old players, but also effectively attract new players to join the game, which means that the community of CryptoAlpaca will grow bigger and bigger. When the community grows, the value of whole ecosystem will grow and benefit everyone inside it.

In order to build a 2.0 crypto game, we did tons of discussions and testings, and finally came with the following fruits:

  • A strong gameplay that can make people play for a long time. Also, it is fair to both old users and new users;
  • An infrastructure that can lower the transaction fees of the chain. The transaction fee for most chains is insane right now. After comparing the popular public chains on the market, we plan to have initial release on Ethereum. In the future, we’ll also support other promising chains to grow our community;
  • A herd of alpacas that will make you laugh and have fun;

CryptoAlpaca in 3 Sentences

CryptoAlpaca is a decentralized pet-raising simulation game, in which you can adopt your very own alpacas and breed brand-new offsprings. Besides, you can even get rewards by feeding alpacas everyday. It is a well-designed 2.0 crypto game, with the goal of pushing the boundaries of crypto games.

Core Gameplay of CryptoAlpaca

Get a CryptoAlpaca

There’re 2 ways players can get a CryptoAlpaca: Auction and Purchase.

  1. Auction

Auction is originally designed for CryptoAlpacas of generation 0 (Gen0). Because Gen0 alpacas have no parents, they will be generated daily with a limited number. Players can bid for the Gen0 alpacas. An alpaca is generated every 15 minutes originally. After every 6 months, the number of daily generated Gen0 will decrease by 50%, until 1 alpaca 1 day. The estimated total number of Gen0 alpacas will be around 100000.


Players can get alpacas of other generations by purchasing from other players on the Market. A Market is where people can buy or sell alpacas. The value of an alpaca is determined by lots of factors: generation, horoscope, appearance, attributes and so on. For each purchase, there’ll be a 5% tax.

Each CryptoAlpaca has unique appearance, which is determined by its genes. An alpaca’s genes are determined by its parents’genes when it’s born. Besides, it has 2 attributes: Charisma, Intimacy. Those attributes will influence the amount of wool that can be sheared from an alpaca. Details are covered in the section of “Feeding and Shearing”.

A rainbow CryptoAlpaca

Feeding and Shearing

Players can shear Wool from an alpaca by feeding it Grass. Wool can be converted into digital currencies, and that’s the rewards for raising alpacas, just as how it works in the real world! In the game, 1 Grass = 1 Wool= X ETH (X = 0.002, we may change this value if the price of ETH inflates too much, the goal is to keep the game’s entrance fee reasonable and attract more players).

Each day (in UTC), players can feed each alpaca Grass, and they’ll have chances to shear Wool of different amounts in the next day. For Grass fed in one day, all of them will be converted into Wool. And for Wool, there’re 2 kinds: Lucky Wool and Intimate Wool. The amounts of wool are allocated as follows: Total Wool = Total Lucky Wool (TLW) + Total Intimate Wool (TIW) + Rolling Wool(RW). TLW/TW = 52%, TIW/TW = 44%, and the remaining 4%(RW) will be accumulated into the future (1% for the next day, 3% for next Saturday).

1.Lucky Wool

Amounts of sheared Lucky Wool is determined by Horoscopes. Each alpaca has a horoscope when it’s born. And each day, if the alpaca has been fed grass and its horoscope is the same as the Lucky Horoscope, we call this alpaca a Lucky Alpaca. The Lucky Horoscope is generated as follows:

A. Get the last five digits of the Hash number for the first Block generated after UTC 16:00:00 on Ethereum. We call it X;

B. Lucky Horoscope Number = X mod 12;

C. Map Lucky Horoscope Number into Lucky Horoscope with the following rules:

Horoscopes Mapping

e.g., on January 16, the first block after UTC 16:00:00 is this one

X = The last 5 digits = 38301, Lucky Horoscope Number is 9, and the Lucky Horoscope is Sagittarius.

All alpacas will generate lucky wools, and the distribution is as follows. e.g., the Lucky Horoscope is Sagittarius(9), and alpacas of this horoscope will get the most wools, while others (in ascending order) will get less and less.

  • Sagittarius(9), TLW * 32.05%;
  • Capricornus(10), Aquarius(11), Pisces(0), Aries(1), Taurus(2), Gemini(3), TLW * 10.42% for each;
  • Cancer(4), Leo(5), Virgo(6), Libra(7), Scorpion(8), TLW * 1.09% for each;

2. Intimate Wool

Intimate Wool is determined by the intimacy between player and alpacas. Every alpaca has an attribute called Charisma, whose value is fixed when the alpaca is born. Each day, when players feed the alpaca, the intimacy will increase by the value of Charisma. e.g., we have an alpaca called X, X(charisma) = 130, X(old intimacy) = 260, if player feeds X that day, X(new intimacy) = A(old intimacy) + X(charisma) = 260+130 = 390.

Each day, all alpacas will generate wool if you have fed them that. And alpacas with higher intimacy (if two alpacas have the same intimacy, the alpaca with lower generation will rank higher) will generate more intimate wool. The total intimate wool is 44% of the total wool generated that day.

3. Shearing Tax and Charity Value

Every time when players shear wool from alpacas, they’ll be charged for Shearing Tax (7%). However, players with higher Charity value can get lower Shearing Tax.

Shearing Tax

In order to get a higher Charity Value, players can Release the alpacas they keep. Every time they release an alpaca, their Charity value will increase(a random integer from 1 to 15). Once an alpaca is released, it’ll go back to the nature and can never be purchased back.

4. Happy Shearing Day

We call every Saturday (in UTC) a Happy Shearing Day, because there’ll be more wool generated this day (original wool+ accumulation of 3% from previous 7 days).

Feed and Shear!

Breed a new CryptoAlpaca


An CryptoAlpaca can breed with other CryptoAlpacas by acting as Dad or Mom. Mom CryptoAlpaca will get the child CryptoAlpaca, and Dad CryptoAlpaca will get breeding fees from Mom CryptoAlpaca. For each breeding, there’ll be a 5% tax.


A newly-born CryptoAlpaca’s generation will be determined by its parents.

Gen(Child) = Max[ Gen(Dad), Mom(Mom)] + 1


Gen(Dad) = 3, Gen(Mom) =2, Gen(Child) = 3+1 = 4

Gen(Dad) = 0, Gen(Mom) =2, Gen(Child) = 2+1 = 3

Gen(Dad) = 0, Gen(Mom) =0, Gen(Child) = 0+1 = 1

3.Number of Max Breeding times

The number of max breeding times is determined by the generation of the Alpaca. Gen0 Aplaca can breed 6 times, while generation increases 1, number of max breeding times will decrease 1. Generations after 4 will all have 2 max breeding times.

Breeding times of different generations

4.Breeding Cooldown Time

In order to control the circulation supply of alpacas on the market and maintain the value of alpacas. We design a long Cooldown time for breeding. The Cooldown time of breeding is 11 hours for the first time,then 22 hours afterwards.


A child alpaca’s appearance and Charisma is effected by it’s parents. This means that parent alpaca’s with higher Charisma value is more likely to breed a child alpaca with higher Charisma value. So, be careful when you choose the alpaca to breed with. Charisma value of child alpaca may be even higher than its parents’.

Revenue of the Game

Revenue of the game is composed of two parts: Gen0 selling fee and tax. All the revenue will be used to support the development and operation of CryptoAlpaca, as well as the growing of the eco-system.

Thanks for your support of building Crypto Game 2.0. Alpacalypse is coming!

