CryptoCarz and WAX make gaming interoperability a reality

2 min readSep 7, 2018


When we have demoed CryptoCarz, two questions have been asked by nearly everyone we speak with: when can we buy one, and where can we buy one? While we are still finalising our go-live date, we revealed earlier this week that you will be able to buy CryptoCarz cars and components on Wax.

Marketplaces are a vital point of connection for the gaming and crypto communities. The synergies of these two communities is what makes Wax so compelling as our debut partnership. They understand our racing vision, and they get the power of blockchain technology.

Gamers will be able to purchase CryptoCarz virtual assets — cars and car components — on OPSkins and trade them through WAX ExpressTrade. This brings to fruition our goal to allow gamers to buy, customize, resell and trade cars and components. We will also be hosting special edition items, discoverable through in-game via loot crates, which can then be opened using WAX Keys. Finally, virtual items, such as VGO, purchased or traded outside of CryptoCarz will have the potential to be used within our game, advancing our vision of interoperability of items between different platforms.

To give more context on the potential impact of this partnership, WAX was built by the creators of OPSkins — the dominant virtual item marketplace that has facilitated over 150 million purchases of digital collectibles. We have the potential, through this partnership, to go further and reach the 400 million gamers that are using in-game assets today. CryptoCarz gains market reach, and WAX Tokens gain additional utility and more players are incentivized to join the ecosystem.

“The inception of blockchain-based games and collectibles presents a new opportunity for the crypto community to get involved, and game developers are taking notice,” said William Quigley, CEO of OPSkins and WAX. “As the popularity of blockchain games and Crypto Collectibles™ grows, so does the need for a trustworthy marketplace, which is where WAX and OPSkins come in. Integrating CryptoCarz to that ecosystem is an exciting move for us and for the blockchain-based gaming community as a whole.”

We are very excited by the collaboration with Wax and the potential integration across platforms. As ever, we would welcome feedback and ideas from our community on what this could bring to your gaming experiences.

More news to follow, but we are delighted that our first partnership with Wax is now live.

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