CryptoCarz Announces Airdrop and Referral Programmes

2 min readJul 5, 2018


Speaking at TokenSky Tokyo, Blockchain Studios CEO, Daniele Sileri, announced the launch of the CryptoCarz Airdrop and Referral Programmes. This gives the entire crypto and gaming community the opportunity to own limited edition CryptoCarz.

The AirDrop is simple — just follow the steps below:

1. Register your MetaMask Wallet address via

2. Follow us on Twitter @cryptocarz

3. Follow us on Telegram CryptoCarz

4. Fill in the following form

That’s it! When we go live, we will Airdrop a CryptoCarz directly to your Metamask Wallet. Your wallet will now become your very own Virtual Garage! There are a number of sites to help set up your MetaMask wallet if you don’t have one already, including here.

The second announcement at TokenSky Tokyo was the launch of our Referral Programme. If you like what you see at CryptoCarz and want to invite your friends to join the community, you can do that while earning CryptoCarz credits.

What are CryptoCarz credits? We are using a specially created ERC20 token called Car Credit (CCRD) to allow distribution of bounties across all participants.

It’s very easy to refer a friend and with each friend you can earn 50 Car Credits (CCRD) as Referral Bonus for using the referral link. To generate the link, sign in into using your MetaMask Wallet and click on the username in the top right on the screen (picture).

Your referral link will be at the bottom of the screen, the you can click “Copy” and it is ready to share with your friends! You can paste it on an email, WhatsApp, Telegram etc

For every 1000 CCRD collected by bounty participants, one of the following 5 cars can be redeemed. Alternatively, CCRD tokens can be exchanged or traded like any other ERC20.

The 5 models on the referral programme are:






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