CryptoCarz announces its DrivePaper — the world’s first blockchain-enabled VR racing experience

3 min readApr 28, 2018


We’re excited to announce that our whitepaper, or drivepaper as we prefer to call it, is now available. It describes our vision to bring together blockchain, virtual reality and gaming in a brand new platform for the rapidly growing gaming and eSports markets. CryptoCarz is a multiplayer, fully immersive Virtual Reality-enabled racing experience with a twist.

The twist is that to participate in our games, players will need to own or rent a virtual car — and each one is unique!

CryptoCarz is designed to mirror the obsession and personalization of racing in the real world. Just as real car racers can’t wait to race their favorite cars on the local track, the true enjoyment of the CryptoCarz experience rests on the display, modification and ultimately the racing of the digital assets in a fully immersive environment, safe in the knowledge that each car is secured on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC721 token.

This has the added benefit that it gives the cars collectable status. However, unlike other digital collectables, these cars are designed to be raced in VR eSports competitions, with prizes available for the best.

Cars to represent the top cryptocurrencies

Twenty car models representative of the top cryptocurrencies have been initially selected to be available in the game. Each model will have a maximum of 650 units, hard-coded and numerically-defined in the smart contract — no more cars of these models will ever be produced in future. Characteristics of the corresponding cryptocurrency are designed to affect game dynamics.

Initially the cars will be sold via the official CryptoCarz website and will be bought from a smart contract using ether and a Metamask Chrome plugin. In a second stage, a dedicated CryptoCarz marketplace will enable users to freely trade their cars on the secondary market.

About CryptoCarz

The CryptoCarz concept and platform are being developed by Blockchain Studios, a joint venture based in Hong Kong between three partners: Active Genes, Diginex and Shadow Factory. Blockchain Studios brings together engineering and visual innovation — combining technologies in new ways that are being enabled by the nascent blockchain revolution.

Token Generation Event is coming soon

Our TGE will be announced soon and it’s going to be unlike any other ones to date. Stay tuned for more information and be among the first to be part of the next generation of eSports.

Download a copy of the DrivePaper

To download a copy of our DrivePaper, visit:

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