CryptoCarz is officially dubbed one of the “Coolest blockchain startups” at Consensus

2 min readMay 28, 2018


Eight thousand crypto enthusiasts descended on midtown New York earlier this month at Consensus 2018, the biggest blockchain event on record. There was one exhibitor that everyone wanted to visit — CryptoCarz!

CryptoCarz was one of the few booths with a hands-on demo. Everyone wanted to try on the headsets and walk through the virtual showroom.

With Hyun Oh from Deblock trying the VR headset

Having four car models in full 3D rendering gave a clear view of what gamers will be able to own, trade, modify and race from their own virtual wallet. The Blockchain Studios team talked with dozens of media over the course of the week, covering print, online and broadcast, culminating in PC Mag describing CryptoCarz as one of the coolest blockchain startups of Consensus– dubbing it “CryptoKitties meets Fast & Furious.”

Jeff from Quantstamp stopping by

We gave Consensus attendees a reason to keep an eye on our journey, by giving every visitor to our booth a car that we developed exclusively for the event. Using the code we handed out at the booth, users will have an individual car dropped into their digital wallet when our auction goes live.

A special limited edition Consensus car gifted to participants

Consensus is important as a gathering point for investors across cryptocurrencies and the broader blockchain community. Showing our virtual showroom underlined to everyone that we are going beyond collectibles, and that the full eSports game is our chosen destination.

Perhaps the most significant — and satisfying — element of Consensus was meeting likeminded people and projects. Conversations were started and continued with whole host of companies that we can hopefully bring into our unique ecosystem. We welcome anyone that shares our crypto-sensibilities and gaming enthusiasm — coders, developers, gamers, film-makers, and real-life racers.

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