Time to decide: #CryptoCaroftheweek

2 min readOct 2, 2018


The initial idea behind CryptoCarz came from recognising the passion and drive of racing gamers, crypto-enthusiasts, and petrol-heads. All three would have their creativity unlocked and their competitive streak unleashed.

We’ve designed twenty unique cars that take their inspiration and personality from the leading cryptocurrencies — although they are all based on the same ERC721 non-fungible token. So far, we’ve revealed only some of them. Now for the challenging part for all crypto-enthusiasts…

We are going to unveil one new car every week. The competition will ask participants to name the currency the car is based on. We will give one car away for each social channel — Twitter, Telegram and WeChat — with the competition running for 3 days each week.

Here are the rules:

1. Follow us on Twitter @cryptocarz
2. Click reply to the clue using the hashtag #CryptoCarOfTheWeek and the name of the currency the car is related to, for example: “#CryptoCarOfTheWeek bitcoin”
3. The lucky winner will be drawn from the correct answers received
4. Reply within 24 hours after being contacted, or another winner will be chosen

1. Join the telegram channel t.me/cryptocarz
2. Respond to the clue, posting a message in the channel with #CryptoCarOfTheWeek and the name of the currency the car is related to, for example: “#CryptoCarOfTheWeek bitcoin”
3. The lucky winner will be drawn from the correct answers received
4. Reply within 24 hours after being contacted, or another winner will be chosen

1. Contact CryptoCarzCN in WeChat to join the channel
2. Respond to the clue, posting a message in the channel with #CryptoCarOfTheWeek and the name of the currency the car is related to, for example: “#CryptoCarOfTheWeek bitcoin”
3. The lucky winner will be drawn from the correct answers received
4. Reply within 24 hours after being contacted, or another winner will be chosen

