Nucleus Vision(NCASH) greatest Ponzi schemes.

2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Nucleus Vision is one of the largest ICO’s of 2018. It has attracted thousands of members. I am here to tell you why I think it is a big ponzi scheme. I recommend not buying it at all!

The only people who are going to benefit from this ICO are the presales, who have contributed massive amounts of eth.

This is a classic Ponzi scam were the rich are dropping all their presale tokens for 5x while the poor buy them up out of FOMO. The market will drop and the rich will get richer off the poor who will get poorer.

Constant lies from the CEO of NV.

  • NV claims public sales were cancelled because of eth prices increasing. While the eth prices back then were $1500 compared to $1000 at time of ICO. Why the late announcement? To use the community for free promotion.
  • NV airdrop? When? They are going to release the airdrop weeks after it is released on the exchange. Why? So the presale can sell up make profit and everyone else will get there tokens after the market has dumped. Also the air droppers can’t sell for what they think it is worth.
  • Since NCASH never had a public sale. I would say the ICO price was not $0.01. Presale received a 25% discount so the ICO price was more around $0.0075.
  • The partnerships I don’t believe are accurate. I believe NV is using Vodafone and Intel’s tech, they are not using NV in there shops. I guess I’m also a partner with Intel and Vodafone as my mobile plan and CPU are both from them.

Many large crypto personal such as Ian Balina promoted NCASH who were either advisers or in the preico. Unfortunately there are a lot of sheep looking to make a quick buck with out doing any research. Just rember people such as Ian Balina don’t care about you they are just wanting to use you to make them self more wealthy.

Please don’t buy this token for anything over $0.02. I will not touch this as I don’t think it will take off and don’t believe the team will promote it much more.

To many red flags in this project from the start.

Also I believe GoNetwork is a big Red flag too. I wouldn’t touch it especially if they are having an auction but I will write up more on this closer to sale.

