Plugging into the Internet of Value

Craig DeWitt
5 min readDec 10, 2019


Note: This is a personal project XRP Wallet

Payburner is an integrated payment system and wallet built on top of the XRP Ledger (XRPL). Payburner is the API and brains behind xSongs and (It will be available to developers soon, so if you have a website from where you want to accept payments, let me know!)

At its core Payburner is an easy to use XRP wallet that individuals to send/receiver XRP. You don’t need to be a tech wiz to use this!

High Level Steps

Creating your own XRP wallet:

  1. Request an invitation to Payburner.
  2. Create an XRP wallet at
  3. Export your Payburner credentials and keep them in a safe place!
  4. Try out the Payburner ecosystem of and

Payburner Wallet

Having a Payburner wallet allows you to pay and receive XRP from anywhere. You can also develop apps that use Payburner for in game payments. Check out XRP Games (Alpha)!

Create an XRP Wallet

This section explains how to create an XRP wallet in Payburner.

  1. Request an Invitation Code for Payburner. Ask a friend on Payburner to invite you or DM me on Twitter @CryptoCwby. Do it now!
  2. Go to Payburner at:
  3. Click Create Account with Invitation Code in “Welcome to Payburner”.
  4. Enter any password that meets the criteria in “Setup Account Password”.
  5. Click Create XRP Address in “Setup XRP Address”.
  6. Click Create Profile after entering a User ID, Display Name, and Invitation Code in “Setup Account Profile”.

Tip: You can create multiple accounts with the same password.

Export your Account Credentials

It is important that you export your Payburner credentials and store the file securely to maintain access to your XRP. Payburner is a non-custodial wallet which means the key to your XRP wallet is generated on your computer only. Only you can recover this account.

When you first log in to Payburner, you are prompted to export your account credentials. You can always export from the user account drop down, top right (if you are still able to log in)!

  1. Log in to Payburner.
  2. Export your account credentials in one of two ways:
    * If this is your first time logging in, click Export Account in “Please Export Your Payburner Account!”
    * If you no longer see an export prompt, select your user account avatar and select “Export Account” from the drop down.
  3. Save `payburner-credentials-<userid>.json` in a safe place!

The exported account is a JSON file with your private XRP address information. Do not show it to others; keep it for account recovery. Anyone with this information can log into your account. You will also need your credentials file when you log in to Payburner on a new device.

Congratulations and welcome to financial autonomy! You now have an XRP wallet and can do anything with it! Your XRP address is the string just below your XRP balance.

Note: When you receive an invitation code to create a Payburner account, you are allotted 21 XRP. This is because behind the scenes, you are really creating an account on XRPL which costs 20 XRP. There is also a small varying XRP fee. So when you log into Payburner, your total holdings will be less than 1 XRP. See the XRPL Docs for information.

Interacting with Payburner

Add Funds to your Wallet

You can fund your wallet from any XRP account or digital asset exchange. You can receive XRP from anyone for any reason or send money to yourself from an exchange like Bitstamp.

  1. Log in to Payburner.
  2. Copy the wallet address right below your XRP balance. This is your personal XRP address — only you have access to this address, so you don’t need to supply an XRP Destination Tag when sending funds to your account.
  3. Send XRP to your XRP address from any crypto exchange, such as Bitstamp, Coinbase, or another wallet.

Tip: If you don’t have an exchange account yet where you can buy XRP, use my referral link for setting up an account:

Withdraw Funds from your Wallet

To send money to someone else’s XRP address:

  1. Click the hamburger icon in the upper left.
  2. Select Make XRP Payment.
  3. Enter Destination XRP Address, Destination Tag (optional), and Amount in XRP.
  4. Click Submit.

Invite Your Friends

To invite your friends to join Payburner, you need to have at least 21 XRP in your account to give them. This is because when you create a Payburner account, you are creating an account on XRPL which costs 20 XRP plus a small varying XRP fee less than 1 XRP.

These costs are protection against network spamming and the price of getting yourself complete financial autonomy. If that’s too expense for you, reach out to me on Twitter for a code.

These are XRPL fees, not Payburner fees. Payburner earns zero XRP in these transactions. I just want people to experience the Internet of Value by using Payburner!

  1. Click the hamburger icon in the upper left.
  2. Select Invitations.
  3. Click on the add friend icon at the right of the screen.
  4. Enter the number of invitations to purchase.
  5. (optional) Enable “Multi-Use Codes” to use the same code multiple times. This is useful when addressing a small targeted group but be careful.
  6. Click Purchase. Once the payment has successfully executed, you’ll see your balance decrease.
  7. Click the refresh symbol in the upper right to see your Invitation Codes.

As an example: If you want to purchase 10 Invitation Codes, and you don’t select “Multi Use Code”, you receive 10 individual codes to distribute to friends. If you do select “Multi Use Code”, you receive 1 code that can be used 10 times. Both options will cost you 210 XRP.

DM me with any feedback or issues @CryptoCwby on Twitter.

