BlockchainLife2023. Day 2

Feb 28, 2023


- Had a short interview with Vyacheslav from Pro Blockchain project!

- Met a cool crypto blogger — Den Magdanov. Expect a joint broadcast with Den on our Telegram chat.

- We also had a chat with Stephan, co-founder of international payment service Cardex. We are waiting for Stephan on the air as well

- We met Vladislav Martynov and Alexander Bratchikov. We interviewed them for a short time .
With Vladislav we talked about his online courses about cryptocurrency, where you can improve your cryptocurrency literacy for free. Alexander told us about his cool meditation app! Later we will meet live and discuss everything in more detail

- We met Andrei Anufriev too and were very happy about it!
We talked about our project and Nikita took a short interview about us, about our project Crypto Emergency. Andrey will also be on the air.

