Last Chance to Get 50X on Your Investment: enterapp Pre-Sale Closing

Crypto_Freddie Boyer
10 min readMay 27, 2024


As a seasoned crypto investor, I’ve seen many opportunities come and go. The enterapp pre-sale caught my eye. I knew this was a chance not to miss.

enterapp by EntyLabs is set to change how we do banking. The $ENTY token pre-sale is your ticket to this new future.

enterapp lets you do more with your crypto. You can buy, sell, swap, and make everyday buys. All this while keeping your money safe. Plus, you can enjoy a high-tech Neobank DApp. The real kicker? If you join the pre-sale now at $0.001, you might see a 50X gain.

Key Takeaways

  • enterapp is revolutionizing crypto banking with its non-custodial wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp.
  • The $ENTY token pre-sale offers a rare opportunity to get in early and potentially see 50X gains.
  • The pre-sale price of $0.001 is significantly lower than the expected $0.05 public sale price.
  • enterapp’s comprehensive features, including crypto debit cards and seamless token swaps, make it a must-have for crypto enthusiasts.
  • The limited 10 billion $ENTY token supply adds to the token’s scarcity and potential for price appreciation.

Time is running out on the enterapp pre-sale. This is your shot at the banking revolution. Secure your future with a chance for 50X gains.

Don’t let this slip by. Join enterapp now. See what the future holds for decentralized banking.

What is enterapp?

enterapp is changing how we see crypto banking. It’s created by EntyLabs, making it a cutting-edge platform. It brings a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This ensures a safe and decentralized banking experience on your mobile.

A Revolutionary Crypto Neobank

enterapp unites digital assets with everyday spending. With it, you can buy, sell, swap, and make purchases easily. It links directly with Visa and Mastercard.

Decentralized Mobile Banking App

The enterapp app is easy to use and fully decentralized. It lets those into crypto handle their finances easily and safely. This WEB3 Neobank DApp has everything crypto users need.

Built on Web3 and Blockchain Technology

enterapp is advanced thanks to Web3 and blockchain tech. This makes it a secure, clear, and effective crypto banking choice. It’s a new milestone in the industry.

Key Features of enterapp

The enterapp platform offers tools for everyone who loves crypto. It has a non-custodial multi-chain wallet, a DEX aggregator, and crypto debit cards. These features help users store digital assets securely, swap tokens easily, and spend crypto in daily life.

Non-Custodial Multi-Chain Wallet

Users can keep their digital assets safe with the enterapp wallet. It lets them manage and trade on different blockchains securely. The wallet’s strong security gives users full control over their funds without third-party risks. It means you can move your crypto between networks easily.

DEX Aggregator for Seamless Token Swaps

Dealing with decentralized exchanges (DEXs) can be hard, but enterapp makes it easy. Their DEX aggregator checks many DEXs to get the best deals on trading. It mixes liquidity from many places, so users get better deals and make trades quickly.

Crypto Debit Cards for Everyday Spending

enterapp connects crypto with everyday spending by working with Visa and Mastercard. This means you can use cryptocurrency for regular shopping. Their crypto debit cards make it simple for people to spend their crypto in real life, promoting the use of DeFi in banking.

enterapp stands out by combining these three tools. It gives users a safe wallet, a way to easily trade, and the ability to use crypto for daily buys. With its non-custodial wallet, efficient DEX aggregator, and versatile debit cards, enterapp changes how we use crypto.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp token ($ENTY) pre-sale gives you a chance to join early in the crypto banking scene. This could lead to 50X gains. You’d buy each $ENTY token at just $0.001 now, which is much less than the $0.05 public sale price later. It’s a smart move for those eyeing the decentralized future of crypto banking.

Buying into the $ENTY pre-sale means you’re in with EntyLabs’ crypto neobank. You’d be the first to try out their leading-edge features and services. This includes a special wallet, a DEX aggregator, and crypto debit cards. It changes how we handle our digital money.

Seize the 50X potential upside with the $ENTY token. Get in now for the future of banking where the $ENTY token is key. It will help make financial services safe, clear, and easy to use.

  • Total Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 $ENTY
  • Pre-sale Tokens: 820,000,000 $ENTY
  • Public Sale Tokens: 100,000,000 $ENTY
  • Potential Profit: 50X gains

The $ENTY token’s pre-sale price, now at $0.001, plans to rise to $0.05 at the public sale. This offers early investors a chance for outstanding profit, a 50X profit potential. With only 10 billion $ENTY tokens available, its rareness promises more value over time.

This isn’t a moment to overlook. Investing in the $ENTY pre-sale secures your place in the banking of tomorrow. As Warren Buffett pointed out, this is the moment to push ahead while others hesitate. The enterapp pre-sale could let you benefit from investing early.

Limited Token Supply of 10 Billion $ENTY

The $ENTY token has a limit of just 10 billion. This makes it rare and valuable within the EntyLabs system. It powers the enterapp, a new kind of crypto neobank.

With the $ENTY token supply being so low, each one is in high demand. This is great news for early investors. They might see big returns as the enterapp becomes more popular.

The $ENTY token supply is not only limited. It’s also thoughtfully used across various needs. From the EntyLabs crypto neobank ecosystem to its services, the $ENTY token plays a key role. Its value is also thanks to this smart distribution.

Pre-Sale Price: $0.001 per $ENTY Token

The $ENTY token’s pre-sale offers a great chance for those into crypto. Early buyers can get it for just $0.001 a token. This is much less than its future price of $0.05, so they could make 50 times their money.

Public Sale Price: $0.05 (50X Potential Upside)

Buying at the pre-sale’s $0.001 is a smart move. Why? Because at the public sale, the price jumps to $0.05. This makes the $ENTY pre-sale appealing to those wanting to invest early in the enterapp crypto banking movement.

Getting $ENTY tokens at this early price means big chances for profit later. As more people use the $ENTY token and its value goes up, early buyers win. This pre-sale lets you into the enterapp world, where you can help shape the future of finance.

Why Invest in the $ENTY Pre-Sale?

The $ENTY token pre-sale is lighting up the world of crypto banking. enterapp is leading a change that’s getting more and more attention. This pre-sale gives you a special chance to get in early. You get to use new features and services from the enterapp platform. This could really change how we see DeFi and crypto banking in the future.

Early Access to Crypto Banking Revolution

The $ENTY pre-sale lets you hop onto the crypto banking wave early. By joining, you’re setting yourself up to try out the enterapp wallet, DEX aggregator, and crypto debit cards first. These tools will make using and managing digital assets much easier and more fun.

Significant Potential for Token Price Appreciation

Getting into the $ENTY token pre-sale now means you’re in at the ground floor. The price now is just $0.001, but it’s meant to be 20 times higher later. This jump in value can make your investment really pay off. As more people use the enterapp system, the value of your tokens could go up a lot.

Real-World Utility for Payments and DeFi

The $ENTY token isn’t just for show. It helps make real transactions smooth and connects you with DeFi and financial services. With $ENTY, you can join the crypto banking revolution. Make payments, dive into DeFi, and see what the enterapp platform is all about.

Vesting Schedule Mechanism

The enterapp pre-sale’s vesting schedule is key to stop pump and dump. It secures the $ENTY token for long-term growth. A part of the tokens stays locked. They unlock over time, helping investors to keep their $ENTY, supporting the stable growth of EntyLabs.

The $ENTY token’s vesting setup fosters careful investment and long team dedication. It lessens the danger from sudden unlocking, like quick price changes. This makes the enterapp ICO safer.

Token Category and Vesting Schedule

Pre-sale Stage 1 ($0.001)

  • Cliff period: 3 months
  • TGE percentage: 20% each month
  • Linear vesting: 5 months

Pre-sale Stage 2 ($0.005)

  • Cliff period: 3 months
  • TGE percentage: 25% each month
  • Linear vesting: 4 months

Pre-sale Stage 3 ($0.010)

  • Cliff period: 3 months
  • TGE percentage: 33.34% each month
  • Linear vesting: 3 months

Treasury-locked Tokens

  • Cliff period: 36 months
  • TGE percentage: 2% each month
  • Linear vesting: 50 months

Liquidity-locked Tokens

  • Cliff period: 36 months
  • TGE percentage: 2.857% each month
  • Linear vesting: 35 months

Marketing, Airdrops, and Bounty Tokens

  • Cliff period: 4 months
  • TGE percentage: 20% each month

This setup in the enterapp pre-sale guards against pump and dump plays. It looks out for investors and helps build a steady crypto banking system through EntyLabs.


The $ENTY token is central to the EntyLabs ecosystem on the enterapp platform. It focuses on making crypto banking smooth. The $ENTY token brings many benefits within the decentralized mobile banking app.

Token Name: Enty Token

Enty Token is the name for EntyLabs’ crypto neobank, with symbol $ENTY. It’s a decentralized, ERC20 token on Polygon. Polygon is known for fast transactions and less gas fees.

Token Symbol: $ENTY

The $ENTY symbol stands for Enty Token. It’s key in the enterapp ecosystem for paying, using DeFi, and making choices in governance.

Total Supply: (10B)

There are only 10 billion $ENTY tokens to ensure their value. This scarcity model supports the project’s goal to lead in decentralized banking. It’s about long-term stability and growth for the token.

Blockchain: Polygon

$ENTY uses Polygon, a scalable solution for Ethereum. With Polygon’s benefits, enterapp can offer a smooth crypto banking service. This makes the $ENTY token more useful and appealing.


The enterapp pre-sale is a unique chance for crypto investors to join the decentralized crypto banking change. By buying the $ENTY token in the pre-sale, you might get 50 times the gain. The pre-sale price is $0.001, much lower than the $0.05 in the public sale. This lets you get early into the enterapp ecosystem. This system is creating a new crypto neobank with cool features like a wallet, DEX aggregator, and debit cards.

The pre-sale has only 10 billion $ENTY tokens and uses a vesting schedule. This makes the token more secure and stable. It’s a good choice for those interested in the future of crypto banking. Taking part in the enterapp token pre-sale means you could see 50X gains and be part of the crypto banking revolution led by the EntyLabs crypto neobank.

In short, the enterapp pre-sale is a great chance for $ENTY token investment. It gives you early entry to an innovative crypto banking system. This system could change the world of decentralized finance and mobile banking as we know it.


What is enterapp?

enterapp is a next-gen crypto neobank. It’s reshaping how we see crypto banking. It adds a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 DApp. This brings a decentralized mobile banking through Web3 and blockchain tech.

What are the key features of enterapp?

It has a powerful non-custodial wallet. Plus, a DEX aggregator for smooth swaps. And don’t forget the crypto debit cards. They let you spend crypto in your daily life.

What is the opportunity presented by the enterapp token ($ENTY) pre-sale?

The $ENTY token pre-sale is a chance to join the crypto banking wave early. You might see your investment grow by 50 times. That’s because the pre-sale price is $0.001, much lower than the $0.05 at public sale.

What is the total supply of $ENTY tokens?

There will only be 10 billion $ENTY tokens. This makes them more rare and precious.

What is the pre-sale price and public sale price of the $ENTY token?

At the pre-sale, you can buy $ENTY tokens for $0.001 each. The price jumps to $0.05 at the public sale. This means early backers could see their investment grow by 50 times.

Why should I invest in the $ENTY pre-sale?

Investing early in the $ENTY pre-sale gives you several benefits. You get in on the start of the crypto banking shift. It could also greatly increase in value. And the $ENTY token has a real use for payments and DeFi interactions in enterapp’s ecosystem.

What is the vesting schedule mechanism for the $ENTY token?

The enterapp pre-sale uses a special vesting schedule. It’s designed to avoid big price drops by slowly releasing locked tokens over time.

What are the key details of the $ENTY token’s tokeneconomics?

The token’s name is Enty Token, written as $ENTY. It enjoys a fixed supply of 10 billion tokens. It’s based on Polygon, a network where transactions are truly decentralized. Plus, it’s an ERC-20 token that can be burned.

#enterapp_io #bountyportals #web3 #ico #presale #crypto #blockchain

Official Links

Writen By:

Bitcointalk username: Freddie Boyer
Bitcointalk profile url:;u=3460861
Telegram username: @FreddieBoyer
Polygon Wallet Address: 0x353fa8AAaDE94113a6bFebe8fcedF464E292Acc9

