The Game Changer
3 min readMay 7, 2022


Protect your funds and grow your wealth over time & The first crypto designed to make cyclical trading profitable.

HELLO And Well come Back My All crypto friends, Today We are Talking about my favorite and best project Which is "SeasonalTokens project".

Project Introduction:
Guys There are four seasonal tokens Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Each token halves its rate of production every three years. The halvings occur nine months apart.
And In SeasonalTokens the halvings are scheduled in such a way that every 9 months one of the 4 tokens supply will be cut in half.
They have different prices, allowing you to trade and get more tokens as a result.
Seasonal Tokens allow investors to take advantage of seasonality in Cryptocurrency prices.
As we are all now that Guys Seasonality is a problem for cryptocurrency investors. Seasonal tokens have been engineered to make seasonality work for the benefit of investors.

UNIQUE Features SeasonalTokens Project:
1: Mined using POW.
2: Farming.
3: Halvings in Every 9 Months.
4: Cyclical Trading System.
5: Lower gas fees.
6: Liquidity provided by Farmers.
7: Easily increase your tokens.
8: Simple investing.

Now Guys we are discussing about Farming of Seasonaltokens project.
In Farming investors can provide liquidity to Uniswap and then stake that liquidity position in the farm. That investor will then receive Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter tokens for as long as the liquidity is left in place.

Benefits which you can get from Mining of Seasonal Tokens project.
1: Passive income.
2: Grow up Your investment.
3: Be Part Of A Movement.

What is seasonal tokens farming?
Seasonal tokens can be used for farming. Investors and miners can receive a regular income of tokens by providing liquidity at Uniswap and then depositing the Uniswap liquidity position into the farm. Farming helps to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity available for trades, and it generates a rotating demand for the tokens that complements the rotating scarcity.

Farm rewards:
Guys The farm pays out rewards to liquidity providers for the token/ETH trading pairs in a ratio changing every 9 months.
If initially, Spring has the lowest reward, nine months later Spring will have the highest reward and Summer the lowest for the next 9 months.

Why use proof-of-work:
PoW is the underlying consensus mechanism that secures many cryptocurrency networks.
PoW consumes real energy in large quantities, an attack on the network will need that much energy to succeed, and that is what makes it secure.

Why would you invest in SeasonalTokens?
Investing in SeasonalTokens gives you the opportunity to always hold a token whose rate of production has recently halved, and to switch between tokens to protect your investment!
Increase your holdings over time without spending more.
Reduce the effect of the economy on your investments.
Feel safe without worrying about rug pulls.

Now Guys we are Discussing about Who are the partners of SeasonalTokens?
The list includes Coinsbit, Cointelegraph, Benzinga, Hodlershub and Livecoinwatch, Paladin who audited the smart contracts, and RugDoc who reviewed the Paladin audits and verified the developer’s credentials to assure investors.

What wallet do I use to buy Seasonal token?
Trust wallet
MetaMask and also to any wallet 0x wallet that has a private key or seed phrases.
SeasonalTokens are Now Available on CoinGecko:
Don't forget to add the tokens to your watchlist:

1 Spring : 0xf04aF3f4E4929F7CD25A751E6149A3318373d4FE
2 Summer: 0x4D4f3715050571A447FfFa2Cd4Cf091C7014CA5c
3 Autumn : 0x4c3bAe16c79c30eEB1004Fb03C878d89695e3a99
4 winter: 0xCcbA0b2bc4BAbe4cbFb6bD2f1Edc2A9e86b7845f

visit the website for additional details
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Proof Of Author :
Forum Username: Zakiiii8
POA link:
Telegram Username: @CryptoLover778
BTC Address : 1BXPLA4iZ5A6XDn3uM8WrsiFHwEVNJ8mrf

