Get Your Slogan Featured By Cheers UP!

2 min readSep 17, 2022


A slogan can be so much more than just a way to share the essence of a project with others in a memorable way. It can, when done correctly, truly embody the values, culture and vision of a project while at the same time being fun, creative and catchy as well!

That, coupled with us having a Cheers UP Bar located in Shanghai gives us a new idea, let’s see what creative slogans our community can think of for Cheers UP. We’ll be choosing the best 3 slogan submissions to receive rewards and from those, a 1st place winner will be chosen with their slogan featured at the Cheers UP Bar for all to see!

How to Participate

  1. Follow both our official accounts on Twitter: @CheersUP_NFT & @CryptoNatty_io
  2. RT this tweet, Tag @ 3 friends & most importantly leave a comment with your slogan in English (the more creative the better!)
  3. Share your tweet in our Discord ‘cheersup-erchuang’ channel:

Competition Timeline

Competition Starts: September 17th, 2022

Competition Ends: September 22nd, 2022

Competition Rewards

  • The best 3 slogans will receive $33 USDT each
  • From the 3 best slogans, we will choose a 1st Place Winner who will have their slogan featured at the Cheers UP Bar in Shanghai

Knowing how creative our community is we can’t wait to see your slogans that best encompass what Cheers UP stands for. Goodluck and cheers!

About Cheers UP

Cheers UP are collections of NFTs commissioned by bilibili and launched by CryptoNatty. Featuring 5,000 programmatically generated characters known as ‘CUPs’, each with its own unique design. It’s also a PASS for holders, unlocking a variety of utilities and benefits within the bilibili Web3 ecosystem and beyond.

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About CryptoNatty

At CryptoNatty, we strive to expand the Web3 ecosystem by creating content for the space made exclusively by crypto natives and to offer an authentic platform for creators to launch and grow their own Web3 initiatives.

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CryptoNatty strives to expand the Web3 ecosystem by offering an authentic platform for creators to launch and grow their own Web3 initiatives.