CryptoPets April Sticker Contest

2 min readApr 3, 2018


That’s right, CryptoPets fans! We’re giving away prizes to the community artists who come up with the best CryptoPets-themed artwork. These graphics are going to be used for Telegram Group Chat Stickers, Discord Server Emojis, and just as cool graphics for our posts. We know many of you have been chomping at the bit to design your own CryptoPets, and now is your chance. Each entrant can submit up to 5 designs, drawing inspiration from the art we’ve published. Of course, use your best judgement as to what is appropriate for the contest, but let your mind run wild!

CoinTelegraph Stickers


  • 1st Place: Diamond level pet of your choice (.3% of population)
  • 2nd Place: Platinum level pet of your choice (3% of population)
  • 3rd Place: Gold level pet of your choice (9% of population)
FitVitalik ICO Sticker-set


  • Use this album of images for your inspiration:
  • Submit to this link:
  • Acceptable submissions in .ai, .psd, and .png formats
  • CryptoPets team selects top 12 submissions
  • Bracket style community voting for these 12 submissions
  • Up to 5 pictures per submission
  • Pictures must relate to content, anything inappropriate will be disqualified.
  • 1 vote = 1 point
  • Places determined on points
  • CryptoPets Team reserves the right to determine what’s appropriate, graphic and obscene imagery will not be considered for contest.
  • ALL LEVELS of artistry are accepted, we want to see everything from Crayola Crayon to Creative Cloud!

Submissions Deadline: April 28th — 11:59 PM EST

Final Voting Starts: April 30th

With Love and the Goodies!

From Washington, D.C,

CryptoPets Team




A blockchain-based video game to collect, trade, and train digital creatures across virtual worlds. |