Exploring Oyori Token: An Innovative Fusion with Matic Coin| Polygon| Blockchain |Cryptocurrency.

6 min readMar 18, 2024


In the rapidly expanding world of cryptocurrencies, Oyori Token, or OYO Token, stands out as a creative manifestation of Matic Coin. OYO Token, which utilizes the dynamic Born and Burn technology, illustrates the changing environment of digital currencies. OYO Token, which is derived from the Reflection Coin and Matic Coin and burns when sold back into the Reflection Coin, represents a dynamic and progressive environment.

OYO Token is a non-tradable token that represents Matic Coin within the Oyori Eco-System. OYO Token, with its unconstrained supply, plays an important function within the Oyori network, as its value rises in tandem with the influx of Matic Coins into the system. This novel approach puts OYO Token on a promising path, ready to produce possible returns of 1000x, 10000x, or more in the near future.

The Oyori Eco-System provides a wide range of unique features, leveraging its platform to create a variety of distinct products. With its particular reflecting features, Oyori Token demonstrates Matic Coin’s growing potential, indicating a bright future in the cryptocurrency industry. As a representation of Matic Coin, OYO Token is poised to generate huge profits, highlighting its promising trajectory and potential in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.

OYORI is distinguished by its one-of-a-kind application environment based on the Polygon Network. It serves as a distinct digital arena for efficient and robust applications, bringing together numerous features from the large area of digital money. OYORI is built on the essential OYO Token, which is a cornerstone of this creative concept. It operates within the secure architecture of the Polygon Network, ensuring a stable foundation for all operations within this dynamic ecosystem.

OYO Token Exchange and MATIC Rewards.

The website features its own cryptocurrency exchange, allowing you to quickly trade MATIC and OYO tokens. OYORI is unique in that it provides additional MATIC rewards directly to people who possess OYO tokens anytime they transact with these tokens. Basically, if you have OYO tokens, you will receive “free” MATIC based on how many OYO tokens you have each time you trade.

Revolutionizing with Transparent Smart Contracts

OYORI does things differently by using bespoke open-source Polygon smart contracts to ensure that everything runs securely and independently. These smart contracts, like digital agreements, manage all of the funds on the exchange. Polygon Scan allows users to see exactly what is happening while remaining completely transparent.

The smart contract handles all of the exchange’s primary tasks, including buying and selling. However, users do not need to be concerned about trading directly with others. Customers interact directly with the OYO smart contract for each transaction.

Why OYORI chose Polygon Network

OYORI chose the Polygon Network on purpose. It’s basically a unique method for doing things faster and cheaper. This strategy improves the performance of transactions that occur outside of the main blockchain, resulting in lower transaction costs and faster processing.

The Polygon Network is also great since it can adapt to new needs while remaining connected to the main Ethereum network. This provides OYORI with a space to expand and operate more efficiently.

OYO Token Pricing Dynamics are Unveiled

In the world of OYO Token pricing, a sophisticated algorithm guided by the DAPP smart contract, employing the Matic Token “GWEI,” orchestrates a unique system. Each purchase of an OYO Token results in an incremental price increase of +1 GWEI, whereas token sales result in a price decrease of -1 GWEI.

Giving an example: Assume an individual purchases an OYO Token for 10,000 Matic. This transaction causes the OYO Token’s value to skyrocket to 0.0001 (with three zeroes), thus deleting one zero for the cost of 10,000 Matic. To move up to the next pricing tier, an extra 1,000,000 Matic is required, raising the OYO Token price to 0.001 (with two zeroes).

This cyclical process continues, with the ultimate goal of achieving parity between 1 OYO and 1 Matic, which requires a total investment of 100,000,000 Matic. This complicated method emphasizes the dynamic nature of OYO Token price, which maintains equilibrium and stability within the ecosystem.

Taking on the advantages of OYO token ownership.

Owning OYO Tokens unlocks a wealth of benefits, demonstrating the platform’s commitment to justice and innovation.

Equitable Distribution: For any transaction involving OYO Tokens, 11% of the transaction value is allocated proportionally to all OYO Token holders. This equitable distribution ensures that each member receives a fair amount based on their token holdings, promoting inclusivity and fairness throughout the ecosystem.

Transparent Price Algorithm: The price method for OYO Tokens is cleverly developed, using Matic tokens to calculate value. This algorithm works as a transparent set of rules that have been rigorously designed to assure pricing fairness and transparency. Through this framework, OYO aims to promote openness and ongoing innovation, paving the door for new ideas and advances in the ecosystem.

Referral Income

The OYORI ecosystem allows you to earn a lot of money by referring others to it. OYORI generates a total income of 22 percent. There are seven income levels in OYORI. The first level is derived from direct referrals and is 10%. After that, the second level is 3%, the third is 2%, the fourth is 1%, the fifth is 1%, the sixth level is 2%, and the seventh level is 3%. To obtain unlimited revenue, you must meet certain prerequisites at all levels. There are numerous social media platforms where you can make fantastic money.

Lifetime VIP Club

By investing 5000 Matic in the Oyori system, users gain unique admission to the Lifetime VIP Club. Individuals in this privileged membership get a continuous 3% income on every deposit made into the system during its entire existence. As more members qualify for the VIP Club, the benefits generated from it are evenly dispersed among all participants, generating a sense of inclusivity and mutual success within the Oyori ecosystem.

How To Buy OYORI(OYO) Token?

  1. Download Trustwallet or MetaMask and send all MATIC into it through your trade by means of the Polygon organization.
  2. Go to dApps area in Trustwallet/MetaMask and Paste this Link: https://oyoritoken.network/home/purchase/0xb6b8e5e270954224bb9d726594a088f904436378
  3. Make sure that you are associated with the polygon Network which you can see on the upper right of the picture.
  4. Subsequent to associating with the wallet, store all the MATIC that you have and enroll it.
  5. There you go, presently you’re a holder of Oyori Token. Prepare to get a day to day profit!

OYO Token : A Community-Driven Project for Maximizing Your Matic

OYO operates as a community-based project where the influx of Matic into the framework directly correlates with the increasing value of your OYO holdings, ultimately maximizing your Matic returns. It’s imperative to trust in the framework and leverage your referral network to amplify your income. Beware of unreliable reports and misleading data; instead, stay committed to this promising venture and reap the rewards of your earnings.

This journey presents abundant opportunities with various challenges along the way. It’s an excellent chance to accumulate significant amounts of MATIC, especially for those who may have missed out on such lucrative opportunities in the past. Should you have any inquiries or require guidance, feel free to reach out to me.

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Disclaimer: The articles I write serve as a journal of my investments and should not be construed as financial advice. In my initial article, I candidly discuss the realities of such projects. Invest only what you can afford to lose and diversify your investments wisely.




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