Update the discovery server of the Ronny Cheap Man’s Skyminer

2 min readOct 7, 2019


Don’t ask me for the details, but the discovery server of the Skyminer Testnet changed. Is it worth the update? I think so. A lot of people will not take the effort to upgrade, so I guess the rewards for October 2019 will be great for the people that do. Take note that nothing is guaranteed and like the weather, the wind can shift any time 8-).

Here are the steps to upgrade your miner:

Find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi on your local network

To find out what that IP number is, you can use the application Lanscan on a Mac. You can also check the IP address in your router, it should be visible in the interface.


With Lanscan it is easy to find the ip address of the Raspberry Pi.

Login to your Raspberry Pi

Following the steps above, you now know what the local IP address of your Pi is. Let’s say it’s
Time to login to this Pi. We are going to do that with SSH. Login as user pi (default) with your password. If you never adjusted the password (not recommended) the default password is raspberry.

ssh pi@

login as root:

sudo -i

Edit the startup scripts:

cd /etc/init.d
nano MyScript.sh

Replace the old discovery address with:


Ctrl X and Y to save (Macintosh)


After reboot visit ##.##.##.##:8000 in your web-browser.
##.##.##.## is the ip address of your Raspberry Pi, in my case:

Check if everything is working (give it a little time):



Disclaimer and Warning

This solution is without any warranties and I am not responsible for anything. This article is only for educational purposes. If you use this code, you use it at your own risk.

Always test your code on a spare pi with a spare sd card BEFORE you put it into production or use it!


SKYCOIN: 2FBZoLvKQsySAzSz3RV1ve62iRTMjvf9vge
BITCOIN: 16VynXgJET1JYpL6kZfaGTxkTfuemJq4Ko

