Elon Musk Says Apple Never Considered Removing Twitter After Meeting Tim Cook

Crypto Saving Expert
2 min readDec 1, 2022


Twitter’s owner says he met Tim Cook and cleared the misunderstanding that Apple was considering removing the social media platform from its app store.

Source: Pixabay

Twitter’s new owner and CEO, Elon Musk, tweeted late Wednesday that he had met with Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, who had taken him around the company’s ‘beautiful’ headquarters in Cupertino, California. Mr Musk shared a short video of the famous circular pool at the centre of Apple’s campus.

We Resolved the Misunderstanding About Twitter Being Removed from the Apple App Store

In a follow-up Tweet, Elon Musk explained that the two CEOs had a great conversation and resolved the misunderstanding regarding Twitter being potentially removed from the Apple app store.

‘Good conversation. Among other things, we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so,’ Mr Musk explained.

Elon Musk Had Accused Apple of Threatening to Withhold Twitter from Its App Store

The meeting between the two top CEOs comes less than a week after Elon Musk publicly accused Apple of threatening to withhold Twitter from its app store without providing a reason.

Mr Musk also pointed out that Apple ‘has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter’ since he took over and questioned whether the company hated free speech in America.

In another Tweet, Elon Musk blasted Apple for the 30% it charges on everything bought through its app store. He said, ‘Did you know Apple puts a secret 30% tax on everything you buy through their App Store?’

Twitter Users Had Threatened to Stop Buying and Using Apple Products

The statements by Elon Musk against Apple prompted a lot of his followers to start threatening to boycott using Apple products, including iPads and iPhones. Some of Musk’s followers had pledged to go a step further by dropping AAPL shares from their portfolios.

However, such extreme measures against Apple have probably taken a back seat due to Elon Musk, and Tim Cook have ironed out the situation,

~By John P. Njui~



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