NFTs and GAMING — Why are you guys fighting?

How NFTs will invigorate the gaming industry!

2 min readFeb 28, 2022

NFTs and Gaming — Let’s be friends!

This Monday update picks up the furrow between gamers and NFTs, and really the entire crypto universe. Why do savage insults come at you when you merely ask what level of knowledge someone who talks about NFTs as “pictures I can also screenshot”? NFTs can be much more than monkey pictures that sell for so and so many millions. No, NFTs can be tickets, membership cards, game codes, identifcators, or trust advances.

Trust advances? I can already see the question mark on your forehead. Let’s say a small game publisher X has a small but very loyal fanbase because that publisher’s games are very good. But how can this small publisher get money to release better, new games? It would have to sell the idea and parts of the implementation to the big corporation Y. This is where the NFTs come in.

Publisher X creates a preview, maybe a small demo, a roadmap and in-game characters that are unique. These characters are offered as NFTs, and the fanbase can purchase them. The characters provide players with a profile picture as well as the ability to get into the game. Unlike a classic pre-order, it is worthwhile for the fanbase to buy more than one character because, should the game experience a breakthrough, the fans who believed in the game early on can sell their more purchased NFT characters to give other people the opportunity to play the game as well, and possibly still make a profit through their belief in the game.

Advantages in the second-hand-market

This advantage involuntarily jumps to the “second-hand market”. So, if you don’t feel like playing a game anymore, you can sell your NFT character and the associated authorization to play the game, and in a good case you get your purchase price back, and in a very good one you even make a profit.

CryptoSpaceFleet private sales:

This is also offered by Wizardia ( ), one of our Private-Sales of the last week. An early purchased NFT of Wizardia not only secures you a place at the front of the player line, but also passive income through the player community, even if you don’t play.

Twitter of Wizardia

Another private sale for our club members was Aboat Entertainment ( ). This dedicated company aims to reward creators and consumers at the same time. For example, podcast producers receive tokens for recording and uploading a podcast, as do listeners. A win-win situation for everyone!

Now all that’s left is to ask for your opinion on the NFT vs Gaming conflict.

Feel free to write your opinion in the comments.

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