INJECTIVE intigration with Volan upgrade

2 min readDec 1, 2023

Volan is the result of months of research and development by the Injective team, who have been working tirelessly to optimize the network and deliver the best user experience possible.

Volan will bring the following features to Injective:

  • Sub-second block times: Injective will achieve near-instant finality with sub-second block times, enabling fast and seamless transactions for users and developers. This will also reduce the risk of front-running and MEV attacks, which are prevalent on other blockchains.
  • IBC integration: Injective will become fully interoperable with the Cosmos ecosystem and other IBC-enabled chains, allowing users to transfer assets and data across different networks. This will open up new possibilities for cross-chain composability and innovation, as well as access to a vast pool of liquidity and users.
  • CosmWasm smart contracts: Injective will support CosmWasm, a leading smart contract framework for the Cosmos ecosystem. CosmWasm allows developers to write smart contracts in any programming language that compiles to WebAssembly, such as Rust, Go, C++, and more. This will enable developers to create diverse and complex applications on Injective, such as decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, prediction markets, NFT platforms, and more.
  • EVM compatibility: Injective will maintain its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing developers to deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on Injective with minimal changes. This will lower the barriers to entry for developers who want to migrate their applications from Ethereum to Injective, as well as attract new developers who are familiar with Solidity and other Ethereum tools.
  • Governance module: Injective will introduce a new governance module that will allow INJ token holders to participate in the decision-making process of the network. INJ holders will be able to propose and vote on various network parameters, such as fees, inflation, staking rewards, and more. This will ensure that Injective remains a decentralized and community-driven protocol that adapts to the needs and preferences of its users.

The Volan upgrade is expected to launch in Q4 2023, following extensive testing and auditing by the Injective team and external partners. The upgrade will require a hard fork of the Injective network, which means that all nodes and validators will have to update their software to the latest version. The Injective team will provide detailed instructions and guidance for the upgrade process in the coming weeks.




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