What is CryptoVibrantArrows NFTs

4 min readFeb 28, 2022


In this article, I am going to share about the inspiration behind CryptoVibrantArrows, why it matters, why one should be part of this project, what the future of this project holds, it’s uniqueness, and the collection details. Basically, I am going to tell you a wonderful made-up story based on true events. So let’s go and have some fun.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” — Lao Tzu


The journey of CryptoVibrantArrows started with my enthusiasm towards NFTs, the fantastic and beautiful combination of technology, art, imagination, and community , thus adding a new dimension to the whole blockchain technology, DAPP, money, Metaverse, and culture.

After getting all the motivation, being a developer and an art lover/artist myself, I thought to dive into this. After doing a lot of research on NFTs, what I found is that the main problem in designing, creating NFTs, doing all the messy smart contract development and deployment work, was having an idea. Yes, the idea, which should be unique, different , fun to create and collect. An idea which can have application and a role in the Metaverses.

The Story

As a person, I love to ride and, some what, I am a biker myself. During rides, like many other riders, I too rely heavily on sign boards and maps, also use a compass for fun sometimes. Guess, what is common in all this? An arrow pointing towards something and taking people to destinations. During a random day ride, it was at that time when a supernatural power contacted me and told me that “Man, you should make NFTs on arrows the most vibrant and cool way possible and call it CryptoVibrantArrows and I will give these arrows power to bring joy, vibrancy, positive vibes and take them to there destination , whoever owns one of these”. As you all can see, this part of the supernatural is a kind of made-up story, but the idea of creating CryptoVibrantArrows was inspired by different forms of arrows that guide and help us reach our destination in our day-to-day life is 100% true. So, after deciding to create NFTs inspired from arrows using a combination of colours , arrows pixel art design and backgrounds, but there was something missing and that something was a background pattern. The arrows always points to something and in these arts , they are pointing to the background pattern like coffee, pizza, sneakers and etc. Let me show some of our vibrant NFTs in GIF format.

CryptoVibrantArrows ##

Let me pause the story for a while to share some details about the project, because you all should know what we have got here after supernatural guidance 😜

Collection Info

( of Randomly generated and vibrantly curated NFTs):-

>Contract — 0x3F1b56C64c9FFFdE6e6e0e93B4149a9EF4362eBc
>Name — CryptoVibrantArrows (no surprise here , as we already mentioned it several times)
>Total Supply — 7777 (from million+ possible unique combination)
>Provenance — 4c105db267ebbc3c5cdff952048f8cdc569288e5822382ed1fa668f4da440cc9
>Pre-Sale price0.049 ETH (only/-)
>Max Free Mint Supply — 301 (As a welcome reward to all vibrant early believers of this project, a chance of free minting CryptoVibrantArrows is rewarded. No whitelisting and no tasks, just your love and Gas price are all that is needed.)
>Traits — 300+ (it was hell of a ride in creating all this traits , phew! but fun at the same time)
Traits Types — 8
>Free Mint Start Date — It is live but hidden, will share the link to vibrant members directly
(but there is always a hack for everything in contract things)
>Pre-Sale DateTBD ( After free minting completion )
>NFT reveal — After minting done


Total_Supply #7777


Is there a Roadmap to which the Vibrant Arrows are taking us? CryptoVibrantArrows believe in paving the undefined path that leads to the destination of creating vibrant community and creating presence of CryptoVibrantArrows in Multi-Metaverse . We are focussed on expanding our team to serve our community better ad accomplish our targets.At present our implementation in the Metaverses will be mainly in two forms one is our CVA Arena a designated place in Metaverse specially for vibrant arrows and latest updates on CVA and another implementing arrows or renting out CVA to brands and other entities to be uses as side sign board or directions board. We will work constantly to bring revenues for holder and inspire each holder to look at there NFTs not mere an art piece but a stake holder of whole CVA ecosystem. There are a lot of other unique things in the back of our minds, so join us on our journey and help us to build something that stand out. Also, the CryptoVibrantArrows owners completely own the art including all commercial right. CryptoVibrantArrows community aims on building a strong, vibrant community, spreading joy , laughter and positive vibes.

Do try to follow us on Twitter at @CryptoVArrows for day-to-day updates and activities. After minting is completed, we will start our Discord server. Thank you readers, for your precise time, and do share feedback here or on Twitter.

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/CryptoVibrantArrows



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